

Statement on COVID-19 from Canada Running Series

By | General | No Comments

March 13, 2020.

Dear friends and fellow runners:

Please know that the safety and well-being of our participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, families and the community at large is always our top priority. As we prepare the 2020 Canada Running Series season, we’re closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), provincial and municipal health authorities to follow and implement measures dictated by them. Our executive team is meeting daily to review the latest information and will continue to take appropriate actions on an event-by-event basis, following the decisions made by these respective authorities and agencies.

Although PHAC assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low in all 4 cities where we stage events, especially for outdoor events, we are not comfortable we can deliver our April events at an acceptable level of safety. Our team has been working relentlessly to adopt measures outlined in PHAC’s document “Risk informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak” and will continue to do so as we learn more every day.

With that said, we have decided to postpone the Under Armour Spring Run Off (April 4) and Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal (April 25 &26). We are pursuing options with our sponsors, suppliers and with the City of Toronto Parks and Parc Jean Drapeau in Montréal to determine alternate dates later in the year. We expect to have details on the postponement of these two events early next week.

At present, we are continuing to plan for our summer and autumn events as scheduled, but will continue to keep you informed on our blog page if this situation changes, on a race-by-race basis. 

Our team will continue to review the latest information from PHAC, provincial and city agencies to reassess the public health risk, based on the best available evidence as the situation evolves.

Many thanks for your understanding and support as a community during this extremely difficult time.

In the meantime, please review recommendations on how to prevent the spread of infectious illnesses and to consider while running:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the garbage.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Clear your nose away from fellow runners.
  • Dispose of your drink cup, gel packs, and other personal items in the proper receptacle.
  • It is still recommended to get your flu shot if you haven’t already as the flu virus is still circulating in the community.

You can find more information at:

Risk-informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak –



Déclaration de la Canada Running Series par rapport à la COVID-19

Le 13 mars 2020

Chers amis et coureurs :

Sachez que la sécurité et le bien-être de nos participants, bénévoles, membres du personnel, spectateurs, familles et la communauté dans son ensemble restent toujours notre priorité absolue. Alors que nous préparons la saison 2020 de la Canada Running Series, nous suivons de près la situation reliée à la COVID-19 avec l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC), et les autorités provinciales et municipales de la santé pour suivre et mettre en œuvre toute mesure qu’elles imposeront. L’équipe de direction tient des réunions quotidiennes pour revoir les plus récentes informations et continuera de prendre les mesures appropriées selon les besoins de chaque évènement, respectant les décisions prises par lesdites autorités et organismes.

Bien que l’ASPC ait évalué le risque à la santé publique associé à la COVID-19 comme étant faible dans les 4 villes où nous organisons des évènements, tout particulièrement dans le cas d’évènements tenus à l’extérieur, nous ne sentons pas que nous puissions livrer nos évènements du mois d’avril à un niveau acceptable de sécurité. Notre équipe travaille sans relâche pour se conformer aux mesures énoncées dans le document « Rassemblements de masse pendant l’éclosion mondiale du COVID-19 : Comment prendre des décisions éclairées en fonction des risques » et continuera à ce faire selon les nouvelles informations obtenues chaque jour.

Cela dit, nous avons décidé de reporter le Under Armour Spring Run Off (le 4 avril) et le 21K de Montréal de la Banque Scotia (les 25 et 26 avril). Nous suivons parallèlement plusieurs options avec nos commanditaires, nos fournisseurs et avec le City of Toronto Parks de même que le Parc Jean Drapeau à Montréal pour établir des dates alternatives plus tard cette année. Nous nous attendons à avoir plus de détails sur le report de ces deux évènements tôt la semaine prochaine.

Actuellement, nous continuons la planification de nos évènements de l’été et l’automne comme prévu, mais vous tiendrons informés sur notre blogue si jamais la situation devait changer pour une course ou une autre. 

Notre équipe continuera à revoir les informations les plus récentes de l’ASPC, de même que des agences provinciales et municipales pour réévaluer le risque à la santé publique à l’aide des données les plus fiables à mesure que la situation évolue.

Nos vifs remerciements pour votre compréhension et votre soutien en tant que communauté durant cette période extrêmement difficile.

Entretemps, veuillez passer en revue les recommandations sur la manière de prévenir la propagation de maladies infectieuses. Et à prendre en compte lors de la course :

  • Lavez-vous les mains souvent avec de l’eau savonneuse pendant au moins 20 secondes. S’il n’y a pas de savon et d’eau disponible, utilisez un désinfectant pour les mains à base d’alcool dont la teneur en alcool est d’au moins 60 %.
  • Évitez de vous toucher les yeux, le nez ou la bouche avec des mains non lavées.
  • Évitez tout contact étroit avec des personnes malades.
  • Restez à la maison lorsque vous êtes malade.
  • Utilisez un mouchoir lorsque vous toussez ou éternuez, et jetez-le aux poubelles après.
  • Nettoyez et désinfectez les objets et les surfaces que vous touchez fréquemment.
  • Mouchez-vous loin des autres coureurs.
  • Défaites-vous de vos gobelets, gels énergétiques et tout autre article personnel dans le récipient approprié.
  • Il est toujours recommandé que vous vous fassiez vacciner pour la grippe si ce n’est déjà fait puisque le virus sévit toujours au sein de la communauté.

Pour en savoir plus :

Comment prendre des décisions éclairées en fonction des risques et continuera à se faire au fur et à mesure des nouvelles informations obtenues chaque jour :


Ringing in the New Decade: Our Top 12 Moments of 2019

By | Community Leaders, Elite Athletes, General, Newsletter | No Comments

With the days flying off the calendar as we approach the new year (and new decade!) we’re taking a look back on our top moments of 2019.

This year was a special one for CRS as we celebrated our 30th edition as an organization. And since we couldn’t pick just ten moments, given the holiday spirit, we decided to go for a “12 Days of Christmas” style list.

We’ll highlight one moment each day until 2020 on our social channels. But if you’ve got time for some reading here they are all at once:

Moment #1 – Highest fundraising year EVER

Closing the fundraising till at $$6,840,929, 2019 was our highest fundraising year yet across all events.  

This one also goes out to everyone who runs and raises funds for a cause. This has truly been a community effort and we’re thankful to run with those who give back to their local communities.  

Moment #2 – Both all-comers records broken at TOwaterfront42K 

This year, both the men’s and women’s all-comers records were broken by Philemon Rono in a time of 2:05:00 and by Magdalyne Masai-Robertson in a time of 2:22:16 

These times were also the fastest marathons run on North American soil in 2019. 

Congratulations Philemon and Magz!  

Moment #3 – Sending both Canadian TOwaterfront42K champions to Tokyo 2020

In addition to the honour of hosting the Canadian Marathon Trials, both men’s and women’s Canadian Champions of TOwaterfront42K qualified for Tokyo2020.    

Both Trevor and Dayna reached the qualifying time standard and are headed to Tokyo next year as part of Team Canada. 

Moment #4 – Most Guinness World Records broken at TOwaterfront42K this year 

Did you know that this year we had a record-breaking number of record-breakers! That’s right. Officially, 14 Guiness World Records were broken at this year’s @ TOwaterfront42K. 

Congratulations to all the new GWR record holders in 2019!  

Moment #5 – New brand/logo for TOwaterfront42K  

To help celebrate the 30th Edition of the Canada Running Series and Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon event we refreshed our look and created an entirely new social identity with the help of Origin agency. 

You may have noticed we’re no longer using the STWM hashtag… this is intentional. As we welcome more and more international runners each year we moved to a tag and identity that more clearly indicate what our event is all about!  

In 2019 we gave a big welcome to our new identity! Welcome, #TOwaterfront42K  

Moment #6 – The 30th edition of CRS 

We’re halfway there! 

Tied to our rebrand, for us, Moment #6 of 2019 was celebrating our 30th Edition, not only of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, but of the entire Canada Running Series! 

For 30 years now we have been celebrating the community of running in Canada and working to get Canadian runners the recognition they deserve.  

Athletes of all ages and abilities have been enjoying Canada Running Series events for over 30 years now and will continue to do so for many years to come.  

Thank you to everyone who has run in our events or helped us in any capacity over the years.  

We’re so happy for the opportunity of making your running dreams come true! 

Moment #7 – Sharing life events with runners at the lululemon Toronto 10K 

Yes, we have events other than TOwaterfront42k 😉 they’re freakin’ awesome, too!  

We’ve been fortunate to have lululemon as an amazing race partner at the Toronto 10K for the past few years and this year, we were able to provide the gorgeous and most inspirational setting where two runners celebrated a very important life moment…  

Some were lucky enough to witness a PROPOSAL at the step and repeat backdrop after the 10K this past June. Mango Peeler, Toronto artist-athlete, created a stunning mural for the event which was the perfect setting for this happy couple.  

Runners enjoyed a 10K race along the waterfront with cheer stations every 1K and themed donuts at the end.  

Another one bites the donut (dust). 

Moment #8 – Inspirational words from Charlie Dark

It was an honour to have Charlie Dark, global lululemon ambassador and run crew founder, join us to share some inspirational messages at the lululemon Toronto 10K.  

Charlie started running around 2006, when he was not confident enough to go to a gym on his own. He ran in the dark until his confidence grew. Now it has grown so much that he is able to travel to events and inspire other runners, and empower young people, to achieve their goals.  

It is a pleasure to know Charlie and always a delight to hear him speak.


Moment #9 – Charity Challenge partner wins highest fundraising category, nationally

Fountain of Love and Life celebrated their 10-year anniversary as an official charity partner of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

They had raised $451,295.32 this year, winning the highest fundraising charity category not only in Toronto, but nationally across 6 Scotiabank Charity Challenges in Canada.

To date, they have raised a total of $2,209,935.27

Moment #10 – The male champions of CRS 

Let’s take a moment to recognize all the (M) champions from our 8 races across Canada this year. 

  1. Spring Run-Off – High Park, Toronto – Tristan Woodfine * 
  2. 21K de Montreal – Parc Jean Drapeau, Montreal – Tristan Woodfine 
  3. Toronto 10K – Toronto Waterfront – Jean Marie Vianney  
  4. Edmonton 10K – Edmonton, AB – Leonard Chesoo 
  5. Vancouver Half-Marathon – Vancouver, BC – Benjamin Preisner 
  6. Eastside 10K – Vancouver, BC – Evan Esselink
  7. ZooRun – Toronto Zoo – Wendimu Adamu  
  8. Toronto Waterfront Marathon – Toronto, ON – Trevor Hofbauer 

Thanks for running with us and for flying through that finishing tape.  

*Tristan is also the overall series winner of 2019.

Moment #11 – The female champions of CRS 

Let’s take another moment to recognize the female champions of CRS events in 2019. 

  1. Spring Run-Off – High Park, Toronto  Sarah Inglis 
  2. 21K de Montreal – Parc Jean Drapeau, Montreal – Anne-Marie Comeau
  3. Toronto 10K – Toronto Waterfront – Nyirarukundo Salome 
  4. Edmonton 10K – Edmonton, AB  Natasha Wodak 
  5. Vancouver Half-Marathon – Vancouver, BC – Natasha Wodak 
  6. Eastside 10K – Vancouver, BC  Malindi Elmore 
  7. ZooRun – Toronto Zoo – Rachel Hannah *  
  8. Toronto Waterfront Marathon – Toronto, ON – Dayna Pidhoresky

Thanks for running with us and for flying through that finishing tape.  

*Rachel is also the overall series winner of 2019.

Moment #12 – Most participants EVER in 2019! 

CRS had the most participants EVER (across all our events) in 2019. 

With a whopping 69,045 participants across our series of events, this one is all on YOU. So, thanks for making this year of running in Canada a great one <3  

That’s all for now, folks.  

Thanks for all the good times this year. Have a happy and safe New Years and we’ll see you in 2020!  ❤️

Advantages to Rest and Recover

By | Eastside 10k, General, Nutrition, Run Gear | No Comments

Why you need to think about rest and recovery this race season

This time of year, many runners are planning out their race schedule, setting goals and choosing the right training plan.  Building rest days and recovery into your plan are just as important to the process as the runs and gym sessions. Rest and recovery are necessary for muscles to repair, rebuild and strengthen so that you can reach your potential as an athlete.

Under Armour, the title sponsor for Eastside 10K, has introduced new apparel technology, scientifically designed to enhance performance and recovery to give athletes an edge over the competition. The new product called UA RUSH, is made with mineral infused fabric technology that, when activated by body heat, transfers the energy back into the body, resulting in improved blood flow and circulation. The product is designed to be worn at the time of sweat and promote improved performance, energy and recovery.  When worn, UA RUSH stimulates increased endurance and strength.  If you’re looking for an edge this race season, UA RUSH apparel may be something you want to try. It comes in men’s and women’s fitted tees, long-sleeved shirts, leggings, tights and sports bras for women.UA RUSH is something athletes can wear both in training leading up to race day and also during the race.

If you give UA RUSH a try, we’d love to see how it boosts your performance. Share your Under Armour Eastside 10K training photos on Instagram using #UAEastside10K.

Registration is now open for the Under Armour Eastside 10K. Sign up now!

Photo credit: Inge Johnson/Canada Running Series

Dayna Pidhoresky Leads Impressive Field for Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5k

By | Elite Athletes, General, Scotiabank Vancouver Half | No Comments

Photo credit: Inge Johnson/Canada Running Series

by Paul Gains

Injury free for nearly two years now, Dayna Pidhoresky has been enjoying an unprecedented block of consistent training and is raring to go at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5k on June 24th, a Canada Running Series event.

“I want to win for sure,” the 31 year-old Vancouver resident says of her goals. “Time-wise it depends on the day. If I am feeling good then maybe I can really push it a little bit more. I think the main thing is to get some Canada Running Series (CRS) points and try to win.

“Last year I ran really slow there because I was in my marathon recovery phase, so I am in need of a little bit of redemption. I am familiar with the course now and I know the second half can be harder coming off a pretty long downhill section. I think Natasha (Wodak) is doing it so it will be good if she ends up racing –  I am ready to put up a fight.”

She laughs at her last comment knowing that Wodak registered a fine 5th place finish at the 2018 Commonwealth Games and remains the Canadian 10,000m record holder at 31:41.59. 

At the same time Pidhoresky has enjoyed an impressive start to the 2018 season. In March she won the Around The Bay 30k Road Race in Hamilton, scored a personal best 10k when she finished 5th in the Vancouver Sun Run and then claimed the silver medal at the Canadian Half Marathon Championships in Calgary. Toronto’s Sasha Gollish was the victor that day.

“So far I have been very consistent,” Pidhoresky declares. “I haven’t had that special race that I have been wanting where everything kind of shines, but I have put in a lot of solid races. The main thing is I have been healthy – no injuries at all for going on two years.”

During the 2016 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon she suffered a painful sacral fracture that crushed her physically and emotionally. Yet she battled back seven months later to run a personal best marathon of 2:36:08 in Ottawa. That performance has led to selection for the Canadian team at the 2017 World Championships marathon in London, and suggestions that she is destined to follow Lanni Marchant and Krista DuChene into the ranks of top international class marathoning.

The men’s field features Lethbridge’s Kip Kangogo who last year won this race for the sixth time, and former Canadian international Rob Watson, of Vancouver. To view the complete elite field for the 2018 Scotiabank Half Marathon & 5k, please click here.

Kangogo was 4th in the half marathon at the Vancouver Marathon festival in early May, then three weeks later, finished 2nd at the Canadian Half Marathon Championships in Calgary. Despite his advanced years – he will be 39 next month – the Kenyan born Canadian citizen never fails to turn up ready to do battle, and perhaps feels he owns this race.

Watson ran 2:13:29 at the 2013 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon and once claimed to have retired. Yet his ‘fun running’ has left him in fairly good condition. Despite extensive coaching duties with the Mile2Marathon group, he has returned to serious training to win the Vancouver Marathon last month. He also finished 5th in the Vancouver Sun Run in a very good 30:01. On such evidence this certainly promises to be a competitive race.

The picturesque course starts on the grounds of the University of British Columbia and traces the Pacific Ocean shoreline through Point Grey and Kitsilano to Stanley Park. With turns, some hills and the challenging climb over Burrard Bridge at 18km the event records are quite extraordinary. Lioudmila Kortchaguina set the women’s record of 70:50 in 2003 while Kenya’s Patrick Nthwia ran 63:10 in 2007 to establish the men’s standard.

The top Canadian man and woman will each receive $1,500 as well as 45 CRS points which count toward the overall title and the accompanying $3,000 awarded to title winners.

For further information and last-minute entries, see


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Hydrating for Success with Nuun

By | General, Nutrition | No Comments

As an athlete, you understand the importance of staying hydrated, especially during high intensity training periods. But did you know that HOW you hydrate matters? At different levels of stress and effort your muscles require different levels of oxygen and fuel, which proper hydration can provide.

To begin, below are some general best practice guidelines for optimizing your hydration plan during training:

  • Workouts under 90 minutes require hydration replenishment with electrolyte-rich fluids.
  • Workouts over 90 minutes, carbohydrates play a key role in your hydration for optimal fluid transfer.
  • During your workout, aim to consume 16-24 oz. of electrolyte-rich fluid per hour.

It is so important to provide your body with an optimal blend of electrolytes and carbohydrates in order to stay energized and strong when you’re putting it under extended stress. There are a number of variables that contribute to your individual hydration needs as an athlete (weight, gender, etc.) Find below a guide for how to plan your hydration and nutrition before you head out for your next long workout:

Visit to stock up on your favorite flavors of Nuun Electrolytes and Nuun Performance!