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Cancellation Announcement for the Under Armour Vancouver Eastside 10K

By | Eastside 10k | No Comments

We want to thank you for your ongoing support and for being an important part of the Canada Running Series family.

We have made the difficult decision to cancel the Under Armour Eastside 10K. The safety of our running community is our top priority and we know this is the only solution until we can run together safely again.

We know how important it is to stay motivated and active and we are excited to continue supporting our participants and charity partners through the launch of the Under Armour Eastside 10K Virtual Race!

For those who are already registered, please check your inboxes for new options regarding your registration. If you are not yet registered, online registration for the Virtual Race will open on July 7th. If you have any questions please take a look at our FAQs page or email

An Update on the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

By | Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon | No Comments

Thank you for your patience as we navigate our options for the 2020 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. We are currently in conversations with the City of Toronto and Public Health to get the most up-to-date information on government closures of mass participation events in the fall. At this time, the City of Toronto has not been able to confirm if the ban on mass events of over 25,000 will be extended beyond August 31st.

While we will be pausing race registration at this time, fundraising for the Scotiabank Charity Challenge will remain open. Our 149 charity partners need our help now, more than ever.

In the coming weeks we will provide you with an update as we learn more from the City of Toronto and Public Health. If you have any questions in the meantime feel free to reach out to our customer service team at

Thank you from all of us on the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon team.

L’événement physique du Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal sera annulé

By | Banque Scotia 21k de Montreal | No Comments

Nous avons pris la décision difficile d’annuler l’édition physique du Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal, prévue le 26 et 27 septembre 2020.

Lorsque nous avons originalement repoussé notre événement d’avril en septembre nous avons pris cette décision basée sur les informations que nous avions à ce moment concernant la COVID-19. Depuis cette décision en mars, plusieurs éléments entourant cette pandémie mondiale ont changés et nous savons maintenant que c’est la bonne décision à prendre jusqu’à ce que ce soit sécuritaire pour nous de courir ensemble.

Course Virtuelle

Même si nous sommes déçus de ne pas pouvoir se retrouver en personne pour courir, nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous pour le Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal virtuel. Avec les options du demi-marathon, 10K, 5K et 1K pour enfants vous pouvez continuer votre entraînement afin d’atteindre votre objectif de distance. Chaque participant recevra un chandail Stopwatch de Saucony ainsi qu’une médaille de participation qui célèbre la beauté de Montréal. En plus, les participants au Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal auront la chance de gagner des prix de nos partenaires Saucony et Nuun!

Soutenir les organismes locaux

Les levées de fond resteront ouvertes jusqu’au 21 septembre. Chaque dollars compte. Si vous êtes en mesure de donner, s’il-vous-plaît considérez encourager l’un de nos organismes partenaires. Ils ont besoin de votre aide plus que jamais. Depuis le début des inscriptions en novembre, des centaines de levées de fonds au Défi Caritatif Scotiabank ont aidé à récolté plus de 400 000$ jusqu’à ce jour en supportant plus de 80 organismes locaux.

Pour ceux qui débutent leur programme d’entraînement, amasse des fonds pour encourager un organisme local ou pour ceux qui comptaient sur cette course pour être leur première course nous comprenons la frustration causée par une autre annulation. Nous sommes tristes de ne pas être en mesure de vous voir à la ligne de départ du Parc Jean Drapeau, mais nous continuons de se réunir virtuellement. Inscrivez-vous au Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal virtuel.

Si vous avez des questions n’hésitez pas à contacter le service à la clientèle à l’adresse:


Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal In-Person Event Cancelled

We have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal in person event that was scheduled to take place September 26th and 27th, 2020.

When we originally postponed our April event to September, we made that decision based on the knowledge we had at the time about COVID-19. Since that decision was made in March, many things surrounding this global pandemic have changed and we know that this is the only solution until it is safe for us to run together again.

While we are disappointed, we can’t get together in person, we hope you’ll join us for the Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal Virtual Race. With a half marathon, 10K, 5K and 1K Kids Run to choose from, you can keep on training to reach your goals of completing this race! Every participant will be rewarded with a Saucony Stopwatch shirt and unique finisher’s medal that celebrate the beauty of Montréal. In addition, participants in the Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal Virtual Race will have the chance to win awesome prize packs from our sponsors including Saucony and Nuun!

Supporting Local Charities

Fundraising will remain open until September 21st. Every Dollar Helps. If you are in the position to do so, please consider supporting our charitable partners, who need our help now more than ever. Since we launched registration for this event back in November, hundreds of fundraisers have helped to raise over $400,000 to date, in support of over 80 local charities in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge.

For those starting training programs, fundraising for a local charity or those who had planned on this event being their first race, we understand the frustration another cancellation brings. We are sad we won’t be seeing you at the start line in Parc Jean-Drapeau, but we can continue to connect virtually. Register for the Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal Virtual Race.

If you have questions, please contact our customer service team at

Update on the Status of Canada Running Series Events

By | General | No Comments

*Last Updated: Thursday June 25, 2020

Under Armour Spring Run-Off 8K, 5K & Kids Run

Virtual Race – May 4th – July 1st, 2020
Status: OPEN for registration

In-Person Race – Postponed to November 7th, 2020
Status: Registration opening soon

Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal 10K, 5K, & Kids Run

Virtual Race – May 25th – August 31st, 2020
Status: OPEN for registration

In-Person Race
Status: Cancelled for 2020

Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon, 10K & 5K

Virtual Race – June 29th – September 18th, 2020
Status: OPEN for registration

In-Person Race
Status: Cancelled for 2020

lululemon Toronto 10K & lululemon Edmonton 10K

In-Person Races
Status: Cancelled for 2020

Oasis ZooRun 10K, 5K & Cub Run 

In-Person Race
Status: Cancelled for 2020

Virtual Race
Status: Registration opens July 7th, 2020

Under Armour Vancouver Eastside 10K

In-Person Race
Status: Cancelled for 2020

Virtual Race
Status: Registration opens July 7th, 2020

Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K

In-Person Race: Sunday October 18th, 2020
Status: Registration paused.
Read our latest update here. 


Cancellation Announcement for the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5K

By | Scotiabank Vancouver Half | No Comments

A Message from Race Director, Ryan Chilibeck: 

Out of an abundance of caution, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5KWhile we are disappointed that we won’t be getting together this June, we know this is the only solution until we are told that it is safe for us to run together again. 

The conditions around COVID-19 are changing so quickly, in our city, our country and around the world. Every time we feel like we have made a correct decision, new information emerges and we are turned in another direction. While whave been doing our very best to keep up and remain flexible, it is clear to us that cancelling this race is the only decision we can make right now. We want our city to be able to devote 100% of its energy to fighting COVID-19 and bringing this race to Vancouver would only be adding unnecessary strain to already maxed out resources. It wouldn’t be fair to our community or our incredibly hardworking frontline and essential workers.  

At this time, our primary goal is public safety while maintaining our commitment to supporting those most in need. We have closed registration for this event, however fundraising will remain open. If you are in the position to do so, we hope you will continue to support our charitable partners, who  need  our help now  more than ever. Since we launched registration for the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5K back in September, hundreds of fundraisers have been working to help us reach our goal of $1.3 million raised to support over 70 local charities in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge. 

As a runner myself, deeply recognize how invested you were in getting to the start line of the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5K. Whether you were just starting your training cycle, fundraising for one of our official charities or planning a trip from out of town, our entire team is heartbroken that we won’t be able to see this all come together, in person, on June 28th. In the meantime, we are working on ways to keep our community connected in the virtual world. Keep your eyes on your inbox over the next few weeks as we share our action plan.  

Annonce du report du 21k de Montréal de la Banque Scotia

By | Banque Scotia 21k de Montreal | No Comments

Merci de votre patience pendant que notre équipe travaillait au report du 21k de Montréal de la Banque Scotia. Premièrement, sachez que nous sommes aussi déçus que vous de ne pas pouvoir courir au parc Jean Drapeau en avril, mais la sécurité et le bien-être de nos participants/es, nos bénévoles, les membres du personnel, les spectateurs/trices, les familles et la communauté dans son ensemble restent notre priorité absolue.

Plutôt que de courir ou marcher ce printemps, nous avons hâte de vous voir ce faire alors que l’été s’effacera doucement pour laisser place à l’automne lors des nouvelles dates qui sont le samedi 26 septembre (10 k, 5k et la course pour enfants) et le dimanche 27 septembre (21K).

Qu’en est-il de votre inscription ? Vous pouvez choisir parmi deux options, qui incluent chacune une course virtuelle gratuite pour garder votre enthousiasme d’entraînement à un niveau élevé :

  1. Reporter votre course à l’automne. Les dates sont le samedi 26 septembre 2020 pour les 10K, 5K et la course pour enfants, et le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 pour le 21K.
  2. Remettre votre course au printemps prochain. Les dates : les samedi 24 avril et dimanche 25 avril 2021.

Les deux options sont gratuites. Vous aurez jusqu’au jeudi 16 avril à 23:39 HNE (Heure normale de l’Est) pour décider de l’option qui fonctionne le mieux avec votre horaire. Une fois votre choix effectué, suivez les étapes ci-dessous pour vous inscrire à la nouvelle date de votre course :

  • Faites une ouverture de session sur Participant Dashboard (
  • Utilisez l’adresse courriel liée à votre compte Race Roster
  • Sélectionnez « Oui, j’ai un mot de passe » et saisissez-le
  • Cliquez sur « modifier les données d’inscription ».
  • Préparez-vous à courir votre course virtuelle !

Qu’est-ce qu’une course virtuelle ?

Une course virtuelle peut s’effectuer au moment et à l’endroit de votre choix. Vous courrez ou marcherez la distance de course qui correspond à celle à laquelle vous être inscrit, que ce soit 21K, 10K ou 5K, et une fois que vous l’aurez effectuée, allez sur le site de Sportstats pour y télécharger votre temps de course. Votre médaille de finissant/e vous sera ensuite envoyée par la poste ! Les participants/es de la course pour enfants peuvent également se prévaloir de leur propre course virtuelle, et recevront également une médaille par la poste, mais il n’est pas nécessaire de télécharger le temps sur Sportstats.

Nous aurons des informations supplémentaires liées à la course virtuelle, tel que la durée de temps où vous pourrez l’effectuer, dans les semaines à venir. Gardez l’œil ouvert ! Cette annonce emballante se trouvera bientôt dans votre boîte de réception !

Si vous avez effectué des activités de levée de fonds, bonne nouvelle, il sera possible de continuer à recueillir des fonds jusqu’à l’automne, et chaque dollar que vous aurez amassé jusqu’à maintenant continuera à soutenir l’incroyable travail effectué par nos partenaires parmi les organisations de bienfaisance du Défi Caritatif Banque Scotia.

Que vous choisissiez de courir cet automne ou au printemps prochain, nous sommes là pour vous soutenir. Notre équipe de service à la clientèle est prête à répondre à vos questions et s’assurer de tout faire pour que votre expérience de course soit fantastique. Vous pouvez entrer en contact avec nous sur Facebook Messenger, Instagram ou via courriel à l’adresse en tout temps.

Les inscriptions ne sont pas remboursables comme stipulé dans notre politique de remboursement. Cliquez ici pour lire la politique d’inscription dans son intégralité. Nous espérons que l’enthousiasme de courir le long du circuit Gilles Villeneuve et au travers du parc Jean Drapeau à l’automne ou au printemps prochain saura vous transporter jusqu’à ce que vos pieds soient à la ligne de départ.

Postponement Announcement for the Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal

Thank you so much for your patience as our team worked on the postponement of the 2020 Banque Scotia 21K de Montal. First off, let us say that we are as disappointed as you are that we won’t be running in Parc Jean Drapeau this April, but the safety and well-being of our participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, families and the community at large is always our top priority. 

Instead of running or walking this spring, we look forward to seeing you at Parc Jean Drapeau on the new dates of Saturday September 26th (10K, 5K and Kids Run) and Sunday September 27th (21K).  

What does this mean for your registration? You have two options, each including a free Virtual Race to keep your training enthusiasm high:  

  1. Postpone your race to this fall. Dates: Saturday September 26th, 2020 for the 10K, 5K and Kids Run and Sunday September 27th, 2020 for the 21K. 
  2. Defer your race to next spring. Dates: Saturday April 24th and Sunday April 25th, 2021. 

Both options are free of charge. You have until Thursday, April 16th at 11:59pm EDT to decide which option works best with your schedule. Once you’ve made your choice, follow these steps to lock in your new race date:

  • Log into your Participant Dashboard ( 
  • Use your email associated with your Race Roster account
  • Select ‘Yes, I have a Password’ and enter your password 
  • Click on edit registration data 
  • Update your selection by picking the postponement date or deferment date. 
  •  Get ready to run your Virtual Race!  

What is a Virtual Race? 

A virtual race is completed at a time and place of your choosing. You will run or walk the race distance that corresponds with the distance you signed up for – 21K, 10K, or 5K and once complete, you will visit Sportstats to upload your race time. Your finishers medal will then be mailed out to you! Kids Run participants can also enjoy their own virtual race, complete with medal mailed out to them, but we do not require them to upload their time to Sportstats. 

We will have more information regarding the virtual race, such as the timeline you need to run it in, available in the coming weeks, so watch your inbox for that exciting announcement. 

If you’ve been fundraising, the good news is fundraising will remain open until the fall and every dollar you’ve raised so far will continue to support the incredible work being done by the charity partners in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge.  

Whether you choose to run this fall or next spring, we’re here to support you. Our customer service team is ready to answer your questions and to make sure you’re set up to have a great race experience. You can reach out to us on Facebook MessengerInstagram or email at any time.  

Entries are non-refundable as per our refund policy. You can find our full registration policies here. 

The excitement of running along the Gilles Villeneuve Circuit and through Parc Jean Drapeau in the fall or next spring, is something we hope carries you through training until your feet hit the start line.   

Postponement Details for the Under Armour Spring Run-Off

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Thank you so much for your patience as our team worked on the postponement of the 2020 Under Armour Spring Run-Off. First off, let us say that we are as disappointed as you are that we won’t be running in High Park on April 4th, but the safety and well-being of our participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, families and the community at large is always our top priority. 

Instead of it being our opening race, we are looking forward to closing out the Canada Running Series season in High Park on our new date of November 7th. In place of cherry blossoms, we’ll get to see the fall leaves turning in Toronto’s most beautiful park.  

What does this mean for your registration? You have two options, each including a free Virtual Race to keep your training enthusiasm high:  

  1. Postpone your race to this fall. Date: Saturday November 7th, 2020.
  2. Defer your race to next spring. Date: Saturday April 10th, 2021.  

Both options are free of charge. You have until Thursday, April 16th at 11:59 p.m. EDT to decide which option works best with your schedule. Once you’ve made your choice, follow these steps to lock in your new race date:  

  • Log into your Participant Dashboard ( 
  • Use your email associated with your Race Roster account, 
  • Select ‘Yes, I have a Password’ and enter your password 
  • Click on edit registration data 
  • Update your selection by picking the postponement date or deferment date. 
  • Get ready to run your Virtual Race!  

What is a Virtual Race? 

A virtual race is completed at a time and place of your choosing. You will run or walk the race distance that corresponds to the distance you signed up for – either 8K or 5K – and once complete, you will visit Sportstats to upload your race time. Your finishers medal will then be mailed out to you! Kids Run participants can also enjoy their own virtual race, complete with medal mailed out to them, but we do not require them to upload their time to Sportstats. 

We will have more information regarding the virtual race, such as the timeline you need to run it in, available in the coming weeks, so watch your inbox for that exciting announcement! 

If you’ve been fundraising, the good news is fundraising will remain open until the fall.  Every dollar you’ve raised so far will still go to support discovery and innovation by the scientific and clinical teams at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.  

Whether you choose to run this fall or next spring, we’re here to support you. Our customer service team is ready to answer your questions and to make sure you’re set up to have a great race experience. You can reach out to us on TwitterFacebook MessengerInstagram or at any time.  

Entries are non-refundable as per our refund policy. You can find our full registration policies here. 

The excitement of running through High Park in the fall, or next spring is something we hope carries you through training until your feet hit the start line.   

Statement on COVID-19 from Canada Running Series

By | General | No Comments

March 13, 2020.

Dear friends and fellow runners:

Please know that the safety and well-being of our participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, families and the community at large is always our top priority. As we prepare the 2020 Canada Running Series season, we’re closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), provincial and municipal health authorities to follow and implement measures dictated by them. Our executive team is meeting daily to review the latest information and will continue to take appropriate actions on an event-by-event basis, following the decisions made by these respective authorities and agencies.

Although PHAC assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low in all 4 cities where we stage events, especially for outdoor events, we are not comfortable we can deliver our April events at an acceptable level of safety. Our team has been working relentlessly to adopt measures outlined in PHAC’s document “Risk informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak” and will continue to do so as we learn more every day.

With that said, we have decided to postpone the Under Armour Spring Run Off (April 4) and Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal (April 25 &26). We are pursuing options with our sponsors, suppliers and with the City of Toronto Parks and Parc Jean Drapeau in Montréal to determine alternate dates later in the year. We expect to have details on the postponement of these two events early next week.

At present, we are continuing to plan for our summer and autumn events as scheduled, but will continue to keep you informed on our blog page if this situation changes, on a race-by-race basis. 

Our team will continue to review the latest information from PHAC, provincial and city agencies to reassess the public health risk, based on the best available evidence as the situation evolves.

Many thanks for your understanding and support as a community during this extremely difficult time.

In the meantime, please review recommendations on how to prevent the spread of infectious illnesses and to consider while running:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the garbage.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Clear your nose away from fellow runners.
  • Dispose of your drink cup, gel packs, and other personal items in the proper receptacle.
  • It is still recommended to get your flu shot if you haven’t already as the flu virus is still circulating in the community.

You can find more information at:

Risk-informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak –



Déclaration de la Canada Running Series par rapport à la COVID-19

Le 13 mars 2020

Chers amis et coureurs :

Sachez que la sécurité et le bien-être de nos participants, bénévoles, membres du personnel, spectateurs, familles et la communauté dans son ensemble restent toujours notre priorité absolue. Alors que nous préparons la saison 2020 de la Canada Running Series, nous suivons de près la situation reliée à la COVID-19 avec l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC), et les autorités provinciales et municipales de la santé pour suivre et mettre en œuvre toute mesure qu’elles imposeront. L’équipe de direction tient des réunions quotidiennes pour revoir les plus récentes informations et continuera de prendre les mesures appropriées selon les besoins de chaque évènement, respectant les décisions prises par lesdites autorités et organismes.

Bien que l’ASPC ait évalué le risque à la santé publique associé à la COVID-19 comme étant faible dans les 4 villes où nous organisons des évènements, tout particulièrement dans le cas d’évènements tenus à l’extérieur, nous ne sentons pas que nous puissions livrer nos évènements du mois d’avril à un niveau acceptable de sécurité. Notre équipe travaille sans relâche pour se conformer aux mesures énoncées dans le document « Rassemblements de masse pendant l’éclosion mondiale du COVID-19 : Comment prendre des décisions éclairées en fonction des risques » et continuera à ce faire selon les nouvelles informations obtenues chaque jour.

Cela dit, nous avons décidé de reporter le Under Armour Spring Run Off (le 4 avril) et le 21K de Montréal de la Banque Scotia (les 25 et 26 avril). Nous suivons parallèlement plusieurs options avec nos commanditaires, nos fournisseurs et avec le City of Toronto Parks de même que le Parc Jean Drapeau à Montréal pour établir des dates alternatives plus tard cette année. Nous nous attendons à avoir plus de détails sur le report de ces deux évènements tôt la semaine prochaine.

Actuellement, nous continuons la planification de nos évènements de l’été et l’automne comme prévu, mais vous tiendrons informés sur notre blogue si jamais la situation devait changer pour une course ou une autre. 

Notre équipe continuera à revoir les informations les plus récentes de l’ASPC, de même que des agences provinciales et municipales pour réévaluer le risque à la santé publique à l’aide des données les plus fiables à mesure que la situation évolue.

Nos vifs remerciements pour votre compréhension et votre soutien en tant que communauté durant cette période extrêmement difficile.

Entretemps, veuillez passer en revue les recommandations sur la manière de prévenir la propagation de maladies infectieuses. Et à prendre en compte lors de la course :

  • Lavez-vous les mains souvent avec de l’eau savonneuse pendant au moins 20 secondes. S’il n’y a pas de savon et d’eau disponible, utilisez un désinfectant pour les mains à base d’alcool dont la teneur en alcool est d’au moins 60 %.
  • Évitez de vous toucher les yeux, le nez ou la bouche avec des mains non lavées.
  • Évitez tout contact étroit avec des personnes malades.
  • Restez à la maison lorsque vous êtes malade.
  • Utilisez un mouchoir lorsque vous toussez ou éternuez, et jetez-le aux poubelles après.
  • Nettoyez et désinfectez les objets et les surfaces que vous touchez fréquemment.
  • Mouchez-vous loin des autres coureurs.
  • Défaites-vous de vos gobelets, gels énergétiques et tout autre article personnel dans le récipient approprié.
  • Il est toujours recommandé que vous vous fassiez vacciner pour la grippe si ce n’est déjà fait puisque le virus sévit toujours au sein de la communauté.

Pour en savoir plus :

Comment prendre des décisions éclairées en fonction des risques et continuera à se faire au fur et à mesure des nouvelles informations obtenues chaque jour :


Under Armour Ambassadors Give Spring Run-Off Training Tips

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Before you take the thousands of steps you need to cross the finish line, you’ll have to do some planning. We’ve reached out to Under Armour ambassadors – Kevin Yeboah (Personal trainer), Ruben Rapetti (Professional chef) and Laura Sanhueza-Miller (Ironman participant and running influencer) – to provide their best tips to prepare for race day. Whether you’re new to running or just looking for tips on how to improve your time, below are a few ideas to help achieve your spring running goals.


The key to any fitness goal is to complement your training with a balanced diet. Ruben suggests ditching those white sugars and opting for a more balanced mix of complex carbs, vegetables and protein like chicken or tofu. The night before the race, load up on carbs! You’re going to be expending more energy than usual, so heavy pastas will help keep you going. Ideally, Ruben recommends aiming for a 3:2 complex carbs to protein ratio. The morning of the race, leave yourself at least a 1.5 – 2-hour window to eat. You want to be able to fuel your body but if you eat too close to race time, your body is going to expend its energy trying to digest. Hydration is also key! To ensure your body is ready to perform, you should be drinking 2 – 3 litres a day.


If you’re new to running, it’s best not to wake up on race day and hope for the best. Starting your training several weeks prior will help ensure your goals are met. To avoid injury and carefully increase mileage, Laura suggests the following steps:

  1. Warm up with an 8-minute brisk walk to get your muscles moving
  2. Light jog for 2-3 minutes, followed by a 5-minute brisk walk (repeat 3-4 times)
  3. Cool off with a brisk 5-minute walk
  4. Finish off with static stretching – holding each stretch for 30 seconds.

As the training continues, you can steadily increase the amount of running by 1-2 minutes each week and decrease the amount of walking.

Kevin suggests adding in weight training in between running days. Try for 3 days a week, with 1 day focusing on upper body, 1 on lower, and 1 on a full body routine. Keep weights light and reps high! He also recommends wearing training shoes like the UA Project Rock 2 for gym sessions instead of running shoes so that you can maximize ground contact and get superior stability.

Under Armour shoesMotivation

The hardest part of the race won’t be the actual running but rather staying motivated. Laura is all about vision boards. Set your goals and grab some images on the internet to stay inspired. If crafting isn’t your thing, Ruben suggests setting a playlist of songs you love. Putting your phone on shuffle risks playing a song that will lower your energy and you want to ensure your energy levels are always at their best. Organization is also key to success! “Plan out your schedule ahead of time,” says Kevin. “Write things down and set small, achievable goals.” By writing down your goals and results, you’ll make yourself accountable and be able to see the progress you’re making in real time. Check out Under Armour’s HOVR Machina running shoes which are digitally connect to MapMyRun. The shoes provide real time results so you know how you’re tracking against your goals.

Final suggestions

Kevin – Before a race – don’t eat spicy food!

Ruben – Enjoy yourself!

Laura – Run for you and get after it – that medal has your name on it!

Read the official UA Spring Run-Off Training plan here and show us how your applying these training tips on Instagram with #TheOnlyWayIsThrough and #UASpringRunOff.

How To Train For Your First Race

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Training for your first race can seem intimidating but don’t worry, we have a few tips from our title sponsor Under Armour to help you cross the finish line.

Get the Right Gear

The first step to conquering a 5K or 8K is finding the right running gear. It all starts with a properly fitted shoe. Comfort is the most important thing to look for when picking your perfect pair. When you walk, the shoe should feel like it’s rolling along the ground: it wants you to run in them. If you can’t decide between a long-distance shoe or racing flat, try Under Amour’s newest running shoe, the HOVR Machina. The HOVR Machina provides runners with a comfortable, but light-weight cushioning to help you run longer and faster. The shoes are also digitally connected so you can use Under Armour’s MapMyRun app and get personalized coaching tips along the way. Once you find the shoe that’s right for you, give yourself at least two weeks before the race to break them in.

Train and Recover

Once you’ve got the right gear, you’re ready to start training. To help you reach your goals and prevent injury, it’s important to follow a good training plan. If you don’t know where to start, check out our official Spring Run-Off training plan to help runners at every level conquer the race. This plan combines mobility, endurance and strength training to help you become a better runner. Find a pace that works for you and don’t be afraid to take breaks. If you’re looking for more tips and tricks on training, stay tuned to the CRS blog as we’ll be sharing another blog post with advice from some of Under Armour’s trainers and ambassadors.

Get social!

Training alone can seem daunting on your first go. Grab a friend or join a run club to keep you motivated. Even when you’re running alone, find support and motivation from other runners on MapMyRun. Share your milestones and create challenges with your friends to keep your training sessions interesting. For even more inspo, find people who motivate you online. Follow running influencers like, @dvdjoseph and @emilyrudow for tips, tricks and the extra push you need to get you on your feet.

Most importantly, remember to relax and enjoy the run!

We’d love to see how you train for your first race. Show us how you’ve put these tips into action on Instagram with #UASpringRunOff.