Can I switch into or out of a Impact Bib Registration?

By | Registration, Registration, Results & Swag, Results and Swag | No Comments
The Impact Bib is a newer program, and we understand that participants may have made a mistake in their registration. We encourage all participants to closely consider their registration options to ensure they’re choosing their preferred option.
If you would like to switch into or out of the Impact Bib event so you receive the souvenir apparel item, you can click here to transfer your registration to a different sub-event.
Please note, all transfers are subject to space availability, and changes may not be able to be made based on sell-outs or short time frame leading into race day.

What is the Impact Bib Program?

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The Impact Bib Program gives participants the choice about whether to receive the souvenir apparel item as part of their race day experience. If a participant chooses the Impact Bib option, a donation is made to the Parkdale Community Food Bank in lieu of the apparel item. On race day, your bib will have an Impact Bib sticker on it to show off your choice!
At Canada Running Series, we’re always looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact, and we want to provide our participants with that same ability. By offering the Impact bib as a registration option, we allow our participants to have a choice about what they receive as part of their race experience.

Can I defer my entry due to pregnancy or postpartum?

By | Registration | No Comments
Yes! Please review our pregnancy and postpartum deferral policy below.
Who is eligible:
Anyone who is a registered participant, and is or becomes pregnant prior to race day and chooses to not participate in the event due to such circumstances. For clarification, Canada Running Series considers postpartum to be 24 weeks following the birth of a child.
How to request a pregnancy or postpartum deferral:
To obtain a pregnancy or postpartum deferral, the participant must:
Submit a pregnancy or postpartum deferral request in writing to any time after registering for the event, but no later than 14 days before race day.
Provide written confirmation of the participant’s pregnancy signed by a physician, registered midwife, or other medical professional.
What does a pregnancy or postpartum deferral provide:
A participant who obtains a pregnancy or postpartum deferral will have their original registration deactivated and will be provided a promo code that can be used to register for one of the next two subsequent events. The promo code must be used to register for the same Canada Running Series Event as the original registration. If it is not used within the following two years, no refund or additional deferral will be provided.
If a participant becomes pregnant again during a pregnancy or postpartum deferral period, they may request a second consecutive pregnancy or postpartum deferral. This would permit them to defer their race entry a second time.
Canada Running Series will allow no more than two consecutive pregnancy deferral requests per event. If the individual is unable to participate after requesting two consecutive deferrals, the participant understands they will not be offered a refund. However, participants are allowed to request additional non-consecutive pregnancy or postpartum deferrals for future pregnancies.

How do I submit a claim?

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If you purchased Race Roster Enhanced Refund Protection during registration, you can file your claim here:
You can also review the Enhanced Protection’s terms and conditions to see if you’re eligible for a refund by clicking HERE.
For additional information on the Race Roster Enhanced Refund Protection Program, click HERE.
If you have any refund request related questions, and/or would like an update on the status of your claim, please reach out to