Postponement Details for the Under Armour Spring Run-Off

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Thank you so much for your patience as our team worked on the postponement of the 2020 Under Armour Spring Run-Off. First off, let us say that we are as disappointed as you are that we won’t be running in High Park on April 4th, but the safety and well-being of our participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, families and the community at large is always our top priority. 

Instead of it being our opening race, we are looking forward to closing out the Canada Running Series season in High Park on our new date of November 7th. In place of cherry blossoms, we’ll get to see the fall leaves turning in Toronto’s most beautiful park.  

What does this mean for your registration? You have two options, each including a free Virtual Race to keep your training enthusiasm high:  

  1. Postpone your race to this fall. Date: Saturday November 7th, 2020.
  2. Defer your race to next spring. Date: Saturday April 10th, 2021.  

Both options are free of charge. You have until Thursday, April 16th at 11:59 p.m. EDT to decide which option works best with your schedule. Once you’ve made your choice, follow these steps to lock in your new race date:  

  • Log into your Participant Dashboard ( 
  • Use your email associated with your Race Roster account, 
  • Select ‘Yes, I have a Password’ and enter your password 
  • Click on edit registration data 
  • Update your selection by picking the postponement date or deferment date. 
  • Get ready to run your Virtual Race!  

What is a Virtual Race? 

A virtual race is completed at a time and place of your choosing. You will run or walk the race distance that corresponds to the distance you signed up for – either 8K or 5K – and once complete, you will visit Sportstats to upload your race time. Your finishers medal will then be mailed out to you! Kids Run participants can also enjoy their own virtual race, complete with medal mailed out to them, but we do not require them to upload their time to Sportstats. 

We will have more information regarding the virtual race, such as the timeline you need to run it in, available in the coming weeks, so watch your inbox for that exciting announcement! 

If you’ve been fundraising, the good news is fundraising will remain open until the fall.  Every dollar you’ve raised so far will still go to support discovery and innovation by the scientific and clinical teams at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.  

Whether you choose to run this fall or next spring, we’re here to support you. Our customer service team is ready to answer your questions and to make sure you’re set up to have a great race experience. You can reach out to us on TwitterFacebook MessengerInstagram or at any time.  

Entries are non-refundable as per our refund policy. You can find our full registration policies here. 

The excitement of running through High Park in the fall, or next spring is something we hope carries you through training until your feet hit the start line.   

Statement on COVID-19 from Canada Running Series

By | General | No Comments

March 13, 2020.

Dear friends and fellow runners:

Please know that the safety and well-being of our participants, volunteers, event staff, spectators, families and the community at large is always our top priority. As we prepare the 2020 Canada Running Series season, we’re closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), provincial and municipal health authorities to follow and implement measures dictated by them. Our executive team is meeting daily to review the latest information and will continue to take appropriate actions on an event-by-event basis, following the decisions made by these respective authorities and agencies.

Although PHAC assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low in all 4 cities where we stage events, especially for outdoor events, we are not comfortable we can deliver our April events at an acceptable level of safety. Our team has been working relentlessly to adopt measures outlined in PHAC’s document “Risk informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak” and will continue to do so as we learn more every day.

With that said, we have decided to postpone the Under Armour Spring Run Off (April 4) and Banque Scotia 21K de Montréal (April 25 &26). We are pursuing options with our sponsors, suppliers and with the City of Toronto Parks and Parc Jean Drapeau in Montréal to determine alternate dates later in the year. We expect to have details on the postponement of these two events early next week.

At present, we are continuing to plan for our summer and autumn events as scheduled, but will continue to keep you informed on our blog page if this situation changes, on a race-by-race basis. 

Our team will continue to review the latest information from PHAC, provincial and city agencies to reassess the public health risk, based on the best available evidence as the situation evolves.

Many thanks for your understanding and support as a community during this extremely difficult time.

In the meantime, please review recommendations on how to prevent the spread of infectious illnesses and to consider while running:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the garbage.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Clear your nose away from fellow runners.
  • Dispose of your drink cup, gel packs, and other personal items in the proper receptacle.
  • It is still recommended to get your flu shot if you haven’t already as the flu virus is still circulating in the community.

You can find more information at:

Risk-informed decision-making for mass gatherings during COVID-19 global outbreak –



Déclaration de la Canada Running Series par rapport à la COVID-19

Le 13 mars 2020

Chers amis et coureurs :

Sachez que la sécurité et le bien-être de nos participants, bénévoles, membres du personnel, spectateurs, familles et la communauté dans son ensemble restent toujours notre priorité absolue. Alors que nous préparons la saison 2020 de la Canada Running Series, nous suivons de près la situation reliée à la COVID-19 avec l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC), et les autorités provinciales et municipales de la santé pour suivre et mettre en œuvre toute mesure qu’elles imposeront. L’équipe de direction tient des réunions quotidiennes pour revoir les plus récentes informations et continuera de prendre les mesures appropriées selon les besoins de chaque évènement, respectant les décisions prises par lesdites autorités et organismes.

Bien que l’ASPC ait évalué le risque à la santé publique associé à la COVID-19 comme étant faible dans les 4 villes où nous organisons des évènements, tout particulièrement dans le cas d’évènements tenus à l’extérieur, nous ne sentons pas que nous puissions livrer nos évènements du mois d’avril à un niveau acceptable de sécurité. Notre équipe travaille sans relâche pour se conformer aux mesures énoncées dans le document « Rassemblements de masse pendant l’éclosion mondiale du COVID-19 : Comment prendre des décisions éclairées en fonction des risques » et continuera à ce faire selon les nouvelles informations obtenues chaque jour.

Cela dit, nous avons décidé de reporter le Under Armour Spring Run Off (le 4 avril) et le 21K de Montréal de la Banque Scotia (les 25 et 26 avril). Nous suivons parallèlement plusieurs options avec nos commanditaires, nos fournisseurs et avec le City of Toronto Parks de même que le Parc Jean Drapeau à Montréal pour établir des dates alternatives plus tard cette année. Nous nous attendons à avoir plus de détails sur le report de ces deux évènements tôt la semaine prochaine.

Actuellement, nous continuons la planification de nos évènements de l’été et l’automne comme prévu, mais vous tiendrons informés sur notre blogue si jamais la situation devait changer pour une course ou une autre. 

Notre équipe continuera à revoir les informations les plus récentes de l’ASPC, de même que des agences provinciales et municipales pour réévaluer le risque à la santé publique à l’aide des données les plus fiables à mesure que la situation évolue.

Nos vifs remerciements pour votre compréhension et votre soutien en tant que communauté durant cette période extrêmement difficile.

Entretemps, veuillez passer en revue les recommandations sur la manière de prévenir la propagation de maladies infectieuses. Et à prendre en compte lors de la course :

  • Lavez-vous les mains souvent avec de l’eau savonneuse pendant au moins 20 secondes. S’il n’y a pas de savon et d’eau disponible, utilisez un désinfectant pour les mains à base d’alcool dont la teneur en alcool est d’au moins 60 %.
  • Évitez de vous toucher les yeux, le nez ou la bouche avec des mains non lavées.
  • Évitez tout contact étroit avec des personnes malades.
  • Restez à la maison lorsque vous êtes malade.
  • Utilisez un mouchoir lorsque vous toussez ou éternuez, et jetez-le aux poubelles après.
  • Nettoyez et désinfectez les objets et les surfaces que vous touchez fréquemment.
  • Mouchez-vous loin des autres coureurs.
  • Défaites-vous de vos gobelets, gels énergétiques et tout autre article personnel dans le récipient approprié.
  • Il est toujours recommandé que vous vous fassiez vacciner pour la grippe si ce n’est déjà fait puisque le virus sévit toujours au sein de la communauté.

Pour en savoir plus :

Comment prendre des décisions éclairées en fonction des risques et continuera à se faire au fur et à mesure des nouvelles informations obtenues chaque jour :


Under Armour Ambassadors Give Spring Run-Off Training Tips

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Before you take the thousands of steps you need to cross the finish line, you’ll have to do some planning. We’ve reached out to Under Armour ambassadors – Kevin Yeboah (Personal trainer), Ruben Rapetti (Professional chef) and Laura Sanhueza-Miller (Ironman participant and running influencer) – to provide their best tips to prepare for race day. Whether you’re new to running or just looking for tips on how to improve your time, below are a few ideas to help achieve your spring running goals.


The key to any fitness goal is to complement your training with a balanced diet. Ruben suggests ditching those white sugars and opting for a more balanced mix of complex carbs, vegetables and protein like chicken or tofu. The night before the race, load up on carbs! You’re going to be expending more energy than usual, so heavy pastas will help keep you going. Ideally, Ruben recommends aiming for a 3:2 complex carbs to protein ratio. The morning of the race, leave yourself at least a 1.5 – 2-hour window to eat. You want to be able to fuel your body but if you eat too close to race time, your body is going to expend its energy trying to digest. Hydration is also key! To ensure your body is ready to perform, you should be drinking 2 – 3 litres a day.


If you’re new to running, it’s best not to wake up on race day and hope for the best. Starting your training several weeks prior will help ensure your goals are met. To avoid injury and carefully increase mileage, Laura suggests the following steps:

  1. Warm up with an 8-minute brisk walk to get your muscles moving
  2. Light jog for 2-3 minutes, followed by a 5-minute brisk walk (repeat 3-4 times)
  3. Cool off with a brisk 5-minute walk
  4. Finish off with static stretching – holding each stretch for 30 seconds.

As the training continues, you can steadily increase the amount of running by 1-2 minutes each week and decrease the amount of walking.

Kevin suggests adding in weight training in between running days. Try for 3 days a week, with 1 day focusing on upper body, 1 on lower, and 1 on a full body routine. Keep weights light and reps high! He also recommends wearing training shoes like the UA Project Rock 2 for gym sessions instead of running shoes so that you can maximize ground contact and get superior stability.

Under Armour shoesMotivation

The hardest part of the race won’t be the actual running but rather staying motivated. Laura is all about vision boards. Set your goals and grab some images on the internet to stay inspired. If crafting isn’t your thing, Ruben suggests setting a playlist of songs you love. Putting your phone on shuffle risks playing a song that will lower your energy and you want to ensure your energy levels are always at their best. Organization is also key to success! “Plan out your schedule ahead of time,” says Kevin. “Write things down and set small, achievable goals.” By writing down your goals and results, you’ll make yourself accountable and be able to see the progress you’re making in real time. Check out Under Armour’s HOVR Machina running shoes which are digitally connect to MapMyRun. The shoes provide real time results so you know how you’re tracking against your goals.

Final suggestions

Kevin – Before a race – don’t eat spicy food!

Ruben – Enjoy yourself!

Laura – Run for you and get after it – that medal has your name on it!

Read the official UA Spring Run-Off Training plan here and show us how your applying these training tips on Instagram with #TheOnlyWayIsThrough and #UASpringRunOff.

How To Train For Your First Race

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Training for your first race can seem intimidating but don’t worry, we have a few tips from our title sponsor Under Armour to help you cross the finish line.

Get the Right Gear

The first step to conquering a 5K or 8K is finding the right running gear. It all starts with a properly fitted shoe. Comfort is the most important thing to look for when picking your perfect pair. When you walk, the shoe should feel like it’s rolling along the ground: it wants you to run in them. If you can’t decide between a long-distance shoe or racing flat, try Under Amour’s newest running shoe, the HOVR Machina. The HOVR Machina provides runners with a comfortable, but light-weight cushioning to help you run longer and faster. The shoes are also digitally connected so you can use Under Armour’s MapMyRun app and get personalized coaching tips along the way. Once you find the shoe that’s right for you, give yourself at least two weeks before the race to break them in.

Train and Recover

Once you’ve got the right gear, you’re ready to start training. To help you reach your goals and prevent injury, it’s important to follow a good training plan. If you don’t know where to start, check out our official Spring Run-Off training plan to help runners at every level conquer the race. This plan combines mobility, endurance and strength training to help you become a better runner. Find a pace that works for you and don’t be afraid to take breaks. If you’re looking for more tips and tricks on training, stay tuned to the CRS blog as we’ll be sharing another blog post with advice from some of Under Armour’s trainers and ambassadors.

Get social!

Training alone can seem daunting on your first go. Grab a friend or join a run club to keep you motivated. Even when you’re running alone, find support and motivation from other runners on MapMyRun. Share your milestones and create challenges with your friends to keep your training sessions interesting. For even more inspo, find people who motivate you online. Follow running influencers like, @dvdjoseph and @emilyrudow for tips, tricks and the extra push you need to get you on your feet.

Most importantly, remember to relax and enjoy the run!

We’d love to see how you train for your first race. Show us how you’ve put these tips into action on Instagram with #UASpringRunOff.

Running Through the Elements – How to Train in all Types of Weather

By | Spring Run-Off | No Comments

An April 5K or 8K run is a great way to start off your race season, but with unpredictable weather, training can be difficult. Through the weather changes, through the pain, through the doubt – in order to cross the finish line, the only way is through. Stay motivated by coming prepared – no matter what mother nature throws at you. Below are some tips from our friends at Under Armour on how to train through any weather condition:


There’s no easier time to get motivated to move than when the sun is shining. A beautiful, clear sky is all you can hope for on race day. Make the most of your time outside with our title sponsor Under Armour’s newest footwear technology, the HOVR Machina. HOVR Machina provides an extra edge over your fellow racers by mixing the speed of a racing shoe with the comfort of a long-distance trainer. For more accurate training results, check out the MapMyRun app which all UA HOVR shoes can connect with. The shoes and app work together with Form Coaching, providing real-time, personalized guidance to make sure your form doesn’t break down mid run. The app also tracks your stride length, cadence and distance, helping you analyse your run and keep improving.


Sometimes, pushing through the excuses is the hardest part of training. Your biggest battle won’t be with the rain, but with yourself. You know you need to keep your schedule and get a run in, no matter what the forecast predicts. When the rain hits and you need to layer up, try outfitting yourself in the UA Qualifier Storm Packable Jacket. The jacket is fitted with UA storm technology, ready to repel wind and water to shield you from the elements.


Running in the cold can seem scary, but don’t let the bitter winter weather stop you from getting outside. Once you get moving, your body warms up quickly, so you don’t require as much bulk as you may think. The UA Intelliknit is a performance sweater made for keeping warm on the coldest of days. The lightweight feel offers breathability, while the reflective bands on the arms provide extra safety for those late-night and early-morning runs.


When the weather is unbearable, opt for a training session on the treadmill. Under Armour’s new HOVR Sonic 3 are great for distance runs, providing a lightweight feel with a little extra comfort and cushioning.

Read the official UA Spring Run-Off Training plan here and show us how you train through the elements on Instagram with #TheOnlyWayIsThrough and #UASpringRunOff. Register to run with us on April 4th at

Ringing in the New Decade: Our Top 12 Moments of 2019

By | Community Leaders, Elite Athletes, General, Newsletter | No Comments

With the days flying off the calendar as we approach the new year (and new decade!) we’re taking a look back on our top moments of 2019.

This year was a special one for CRS as we celebrated our 30th edition as an organization. And since we couldn’t pick just ten moments, given the holiday spirit, we decided to go for a “12 Days of Christmas” style list.

We’ll highlight one moment each day until 2020 on our social channels. But if you’ve got time for some reading here they are all at once:

Moment #1 – Highest fundraising year EVER

Closing the fundraising till at $$6,840,929, 2019 was our highest fundraising year yet across all events.  

This one also goes out to everyone who runs and raises funds for a cause. This has truly been a community effort and we’re thankful to run with those who give back to their local communities.  

Moment #2 – Both all-comers records broken at TOwaterfront42K 

This year, both the men’s and women’s all-comers records were broken by Philemon Rono in a time of 2:05:00 and by Magdalyne Masai-Robertson in a time of 2:22:16 

These times were also the fastest marathons run on North American soil in 2019. 

Congratulations Philemon and Magz!  

Moment #3 – Sending both Canadian TOwaterfront42K champions to Tokyo 2020

In addition to the honour of hosting the Canadian Marathon Trials, both men’s and women’s Canadian Champions of TOwaterfront42K qualified for Tokyo2020.    

Both Trevor and Dayna reached the qualifying time standard and are headed to Tokyo next year as part of Team Canada. 

Moment #4 – Most Guinness World Records broken at TOwaterfront42K this year 

Did you know that this year we had a record-breaking number of record-breakers! That’s right. Officially, 14 Guiness World Records were broken at this year’s @ TOwaterfront42K. 

Congratulations to all the new GWR record holders in 2019!  

Moment #5 – New brand/logo for TOwaterfront42K  

To help celebrate the 30th Edition of the Canada Running Series and Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon event we refreshed our look and created an entirely new social identity with the help of Origin agency. 

You may have noticed we’re no longer using the STWM hashtag… this is intentional. As we welcome more and more international runners each year we moved to a tag and identity that more clearly indicate what our event is all about!  

In 2019 we gave a big welcome to our new identity! Welcome, #TOwaterfront42K  

Moment #6 – The 30th edition of CRS 

We’re halfway there! 

Tied to our rebrand, for us, Moment #6 of 2019 was celebrating our 30th Edition, not only of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, but of the entire Canada Running Series! 

For 30 years now we have been celebrating the community of running in Canada and working to get Canadian runners the recognition they deserve.  

Athletes of all ages and abilities have been enjoying Canada Running Series events for over 30 years now and will continue to do so for many years to come.  

Thank you to everyone who has run in our events or helped us in any capacity over the years.  

We’re so happy for the opportunity of making your running dreams come true! 

Moment #7 – Sharing life events with runners at the lululemon Toronto 10K 

Yes, we have events other than TOwaterfront42k 😉 they’re freakin’ awesome, too!  

We’ve been fortunate to have lululemon as an amazing race partner at the Toronto 10K for the past few years and this year, we were able to provide the gorgeous and most inspirational setting where two runners celebrated a very important life moment…  

Some were lucky enough to witness a PROPOSAL at the step and repeat backdrop after the 10K this past June. Mango Peeler, Toronto artist-athlete, created a stunning mural for the event which was the perfect setting for this happy couple.  

Runners enjoyed a 10K race along the waterfront with cheer stations every 1K and themed donuts at the end.  

Another one bites the donut (dust). 

Moment #8 – Inspirational words from Charlie Dark

It was an honour to have Charlie Dark, global lululemon ambassador and run crew founder, join us to share some inspirational messages at the lululemon Toronto 10K.  

Charlie started running around 2006, when he was not confident enough to go to a gym on his own. He ran in the dark until his confidence grew. Now it has grown so much that he is able to travel to events and inspire other runners, and empower young people, to achieve their goals.  

It is a pleasure to know Charlie and always a delight to hear him speak.


Moment #9 – Charity Challenge partner wins highest fundraising category, nationally

Fountain of Love and Life celebrated their 10-year anniversary as an official charity partner of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

They had raised $451,295.32 this year, winning the highest fundraising charity category not only in Toronto, but nationally across 6 Scotiabank Charity Challenges in Canada.

To date, they have raised a total of $2,209,935.27

Moment #10 – The male champions of CRS 

Let’s take a moment to recognize all the (M) champions from our 8 races across Canada this year. 

  1. Spring Run-Off – High Park, Toronto – Tristan Woodfine * 
  2. 21K de Montreal – Parc Jean Drapeau, Montreal – Tristan Woodfine 
  3. Toronto 10K – Toronto Waterfront – Jean Marie Vianney  
  4. Edmonton 10K – Edmonton, AB – Leonard Chesoo 
  5. Vancouver Half-Marathon – Vancouver, BC – Benjamin Preisner 
  6. Eastside 10K – Vancouver, BC – Evan Esselink
  7. ZooRun – Toronto Zoo – Wendimu Adamu  
  8. Toronto Waterfront Marathon – Toronto, ON – Trevor Hofbauer 

Thanks for running with us and for flying through that finishing tape.  

*Tristan is also the overall series winner of 2019.

Moment #11 – The female champions of CRS 

Let’s take another moment to recognize the female champions of CRS events in 2019. 

  1. Spring Run-Off – High Park, Toronto  Sarah Inglis 
  2. 21K de Montreal – Parc Jean Drapeau, Montreal – Anne-Marie Comeau
  3. Toronto 10K – Toronto Waterfront – Nyirarukundo Salome 
  4. Edmonton 10K – Edmonton, AB  Natasha Wodak 
  5. Vancouver Half-Marathon – Vancouver, BC – Natasha Wodak 
  6. Eastside 10K – Vancouver, BC  Malindi Elmore 
  7. ZooRun – Toronto Zoo – Rachel Hannah *  
  8. Toronto Waterfront Marathon – Toronto, ON – Dayna Pidhoresky

Thanks for running with us and for flying through that finishing tape.  

*Rachel is also the overall series winner of 2019.

Moment #12 – Most participants EVER in 2019! 

CRS had the most participants EVER (across all our events) in 2019. 

With a whopping 69,045 participants across our series of events, this one is all on YOU. So, thanks for making this year of running in Canada a great one <3  

That’s all for now, folks.  

Thanks for all the good times this year. Have a happy and safe New Years and we’ll see you in 2020!  ❤️

Hannah and Woodfine Win Canada Running Series 2019 Titles

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Two past winners found themselves top of the table when the 2019 Canada Running Series final points were tabulated recently, an indication that these Olympic aspirants are on the right path.

Tristan Woodfine at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, 2019

Tristan Woodfine’s fine performance at the Series finale Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon earned him both a silver medal in the Canadian Marathon Championships and 52 points to take his point total to 142.

If that wasn’t impressive enough, he also took two minutes off his personal best time with 2:13:16. Along with the prestigious CRS title the Cobden, Ontario resident will receive $3,000.

Woodfine won the series for the first time in 2017 and finished second a year ago behind two-time Olympian Reid Coolsaet. His nearest challenger this year was Ben Preisner who took second ($1,500) with 119 points and Trevor Hofbauer, who snatched the Canadian Marathon Championship title with a whopping personal best and Olympic qualifying time of 2:09:51. That’s the second fastest time by a Canadian ever.

Hofbauer wound up with 112 points and receives $1,000 for finishing third overall.

Rachel Hannah, who resides in Guelph, Ontario put an injury-restricted summer aside to claim the women’s title for the first time since 2014. This year her margin of victory was just two points over Dayna Pidhoresky, 129 to 127. The latter was crowned Canadian Marathon champion in a personal best 2:29:03 which automatically puts her on the flight to the Tokyo Olympics with Hofbauer.

Woodfine, who won Toronto’s Race Roster Spring Run-Off 8K for the third straight year as well as the Banque Scotia 21K de Montreal, claims that he didn’t followed the points tally that closely.

“I try to get my three CRS races in, but I think I was so focused going into Toronto (Waterfront Marathon) and getting the marathon qualifying standard for the Olympics that I forgot about the whole series,” he explains. “After the race I thought ‘I wonder how it all ended up?’ Finishing first is always nice.”

As fate would have it Woodfine and Preisner never actually raced each other in the Series mainly due to the former’s focus on the marathon.  Preisner, from Milton, Ontario, saw a breakthrough with his victory in the Scotiabank Toronto Half Marathon which was run concurrently with the marathon championship. His time there was an impressive 1:03:08.

Woodfine, who has temporarily put aside a career as a medic to focus on his running says he will put the winner’s prize to good use.

“Yes, it will come in very handy. I think I am going to make the trip to Kenya for a good chunk of the winter,” he reports, “So, yes, the money really helps. Winters in the Ottawa Valley can be brutal, lots of snow and -40C. It will be good to get away.”

He has sought advice from Reid Coolsaet, no stranger to high altitude training camps in Kenya.

Rachel Hannah at the lululemon Toronto 10K, 2019.

Although she has never trained at altitude before Hannah is also contemplating taking a couple of weeks off her job as a nutritionist at the University of Guelph to explore the opportunity.

“If I can stay healthy and am able to do a spring marathon I would like to go away and do an altitude training camp and see if I would benefit from it,” she says. “I don’t know if I will do Flagstaff, or somewhere, I don’t think I will go to Kenya yet, I want to try somewhere in the US to see if I benefit. But definitely that money will come to good use.”

Hannah admitted that her foot injury meant that running the Canadian Olympic trials marathon was out of the question so she and coach Dave Korell plotted a schedule that could put her in position to win the CRS overall title.

“We started thinking ‘what do we have to do to get maximum points?’ So, it was either come first at the Zoo 10K or the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon,” she explains. As it happens, she won the Oasis Zoo 10k.

“We were following it and it’s exciting. I was disappointed I couldn’t race the marathon, but it was nice to have something else to look forward to and support all the CRS races I could. There are years where I am not able to do that. They do such a good job. It’s always competitive and there is always someone to push you.”

Kinsey Middleton the 2018 Canadian marathon champion who lives and trains in Boise, Idaho finished 3rd overall in the series.

Vancouver’s Craig McMillan handily won the men’s masters’ competition with 165 points, 60 of those coming from his fine performance at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon where he ran a personal best of 2:26:17. Allison Drynan was the women’s master’s winner. They each collect $500 for their respective titles.

Besides providing elite runners the opportunity to compete against one another on extremely well-organized courses the Canada Running Series also has an incredibly strong charity component. CRS Race Director, Alan Brookes, reports that the 2019 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon alone raised $3,694,370 for local charities. That brings to $6.9 million the total money raised across the 8-races in Canada Running Series 2019.  A record number of participants also ran the CRS in 2019 (69,045).

What a year we had! A record number of participants in the Series, and a huge total of almost $7 million raised for our 300 plus charities,” Brookes declares with his customary excitement. “The two lululemon races in the East and West that both sold out in less than a day and brought Canada to the forefront of an exciting ‘New Running Movement’. A movement that is bringing not only excitement but joy and celebration to the sport.

“And the four men who ran under 2:05:15 and the seven women who ran under 2:24:30 at the Series finale, the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront – made it the fastest marathon in all of The Americas in 2019, as well as the fastest marathon ever run on Canadian soil.”

Brookes also points to Trevor Hofbauer and Dayna Pidhoresky achieving the Olympic qualifying standard in the 30th anniversary year along with the incredible performances of the international athletes. Remarkably, the Toronto Waterfront Marathon was watched by 695,000 viewers in 79 countries on the live stream broadcast.

“It has been a gob-smacking, awe-inspiring 30th Anniversary year to remember,” Brookes concludes. “Thanks to everyone – athletes, guests, the CRS team and volunteers, sponsor partners, family, friends and spectators, whose passion and energy made it all happen!”

The 2020 Canada Running Series kicks off once again with the Spring Run-Off on April 4th.

For more information and to register for 2020 Canada Running Series events visit

Tokyo 2020 hopefuls Evan Esselink and Malindi Elmore win Under Armour Eastside 10K

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VANCOUVER, September 14th.  Evan Esselink (29:50) and Malindi Elmore (32:44) laid down convincing markers winning Saturday’s Under Armour Eastside 10K ahead of an impressive field of 2,900 participants.  Evan stuck with a group of runners including last year’s winner, Trevor Hofbauer who came in second place and Milton Ontario’s Ben Preisner who came in third.  Evan made a move at the 8K mark and dropped the hammer at 9K to finish off strong contenders in Hofbauer and Preisner.

On the Women’s side, Malindi Elmore stormed to an outstanding victory on the challenging eastside course who, along with Evan, will be competing in the Athletics Canada marathon trials at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon October 20th.  Malindi was able to hold off Boise Idaho’s Kinsey Middleton for most of the race as well as previous Under Armour Eastside 10K winner Leslie Sexton who came in third.

The event attracted a field of 2,900 runners and so far has raised over $26,000 in support of the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre, PHS Community Services Society, and Youthco. Participants can continue to fundraise online until October 1st online at

“Every year the competition gets better,” said race director Ryan Chilibeck. “It’s also so great to see runners completing their first run, setting personal bests and fundraising for our three great charity partners. The Under Armour Eastside 10k is a true community event.”

Under Armour Eastside 10k top finishers results:

10km Male 

  1. Evan Esselink – Vancouver, BC, Canada                               TIME: 29:50
  2. Trevor Hofbauer – Calgary, AB, Canada                               TIME: 29:58
  3. Benjamin Preisner – Milton, ON, Canada                               TIME: 30:10


10km Female         

  1. Malindi Elmore– Kelowna, BC, Canada                              TIME: 32:44
  2. Kinsey Middleton – Boise, ID, USA                                       TIME: 33:19
  3. Leslie Sexton – London, ON, Canada                                   TIME: 33:33


Information and complete race results can be found at

For more information on Canada Running Series events, please visit

About Under Armour Eastside 10k:

The Under Armour Eastside 10k is part of the prestigious Canada Running Series. As Vancouver’s premier fall 10k, it takes place in the Eastside, running for three Eastside embedded charities, with the great Eastside Community. More than 3000 runners take to the streets each September to show their love for the heart of Vancouver. Canada Running Series is the nation’s premier running circuit with events in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Montreal.  It annually attracts over 65,000 participants and raises more than $6 million for some 320 charities. Canada Running Series is strongly committed to staging great experiences for runners of all levels from first time runners, charity supporters and Canadian Olympians; and to making sport part of sustainable communities and the city-building process.  Our mission is “building community through running”. For more information please

Race Day Tips for #UAeastside10k

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Every year we’re joined by hundreds of new runners at the Under Armour Eastside 10k. We’ve taken some tips from the seasoned runners out there and come up with the ABC’s of how to set yourself up for a great race – both before and after the event.

While this guide is primarily aimed at new runners, it’s always good to refresh your memory even if you’ve been racing for decades! Also be sure to check out our Race Etiquette Page.

Before the Race

A – Know where you need to be and when

This may seem obvious, but it’s so often overlooked. You can save yourself a lot of stress on Race Day (and the days leading up to it) by knowing where to go and when. This includes knowing where to pick up your race package and bib number in the days leading up to the race, as well as how to get to the start line.

  • Package Pickup – ALL participants must pick up their race package and bib number at Package Pickup before Race Day. Package Pickup is located at Sport Chek on Robson Street — 788 Robson Street (Robson @ Howe) and is open on Thursday (Sept 12) and Friday (Sept 13) from 10:00am to 8:00pm, and Saturday September 14th in the Woodwards Atrium from 7am-8am. More details here.
  • Start Line – The run will start and finish on Cordova Street, near the Woodward’s Development. Your best way to get to the Start Area is to take public transit. To plan your trip, click here and select your starting location then choose Transit direction. Woodward’s is a short walk from either Waterfront Station or Stadium Skytrain Station. The second best way to get there is to bike, as BEST will be providing a complimentary and secure Bike Valet right beside the Start/Finish Line. A reminder that road closures will be in effect for the event, so please leave extra travel time. Recommended routes into Downtown are Hastings Street, Georgia Street, and Cambie Street Bridge. Driving to the start line? The easiest access/parking option is to take Cambie Street northbound to Cordova, then turn right to access the parking garage off of Cordova Street. Note that this access route is only possible until 8:15am, after which Cordova Street will be fully closed for the start of the race. If you are dropping someone off, please do so on Hastings Street.For full road closures details click here.

B – Don’t do anything new! We mean it!

A common mistake is to try something new just before or on Race Day. This could be anything from wearing a new pair of shoes during the run to changing up your diet the day before. If you typically eat a simple pasta the night before your training runs, don’t try out that new sushi place around the corner on Friday night. If you don’t usually have coffee before your training runs, don’t go for a double espresso on Race Day morning. Stick with what works for you – from your meals to your running clothes to your morning routine.

C – Start in the right corral

What’s a corral? In order to give everyone their best experience on Race Day, runners are typically assigned into a corral based on their predicted finish time. At the #UAeastside10k all runners will self-assign themselves to a estimated finish time.  Speedsters can start at the front of the pack while walkers start further back. Please be respectful of other runners and line up according to your expected finish time, and be honest in your approximations. Please also be mindful of other runners who may need to pass you on course.  Keep in mind the race start closes 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.  Make sure you arrive on time.

Corral colour Est. finish time Start time
Black Elites  8:30am
RedRed Corral < 50min   8:30am
Yellow CorralYellow 50–59min   8:30am
BlueBlue Corral 60–79min   8:30am
GreenGreen Corral 80min +   8:30am

Corral details for the race here.

BONUS – use our Gear Check to store a bag of warm, dry (and less-sweaty) clothes for after the race. Your $2 donation will go to our Featured Charities.

During the Race

A – Make sure your bib number is on your front and visible

We use a bib-tag timing system, which means your timing chip is embedded in your bib number. In order for it to work properly and have your time recorded:

  • Do not remove the “bibTag” or foam spacer from your bib.
  • Do not fold your bib or excessively bend or twist the “bibTag”.
  • Wear your bib on your chest/abdomen. Do not wear on your back, side, leg or arm.
  • Do not cover your bib with clothing – always make sure it is completely visible.
  • Make sure you cross over the timing mat at both the Start Line and the Finish Line.
    ***Start Line will CLOSE 10min AFTER THE SCHEDULED START TIME ***

B – Start slow and stay even

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of Race Day and start out too fast. Do the opposite – start a little slower than your normal pace and gradually pick up your pace over the first kilometre. After that, try to keep an even pace throughout the race and save your extra energy for the final push to the Finish Line!

C – Be prepared for whatever Mother Nature brings

No one knows what the weather will be in September, so it’s important to be prepared for anything. If it’s hot, bring your own water, but we’ll also have three aid stations on course, serving up both water and Nuun Hydration. If you are using one of the aid stations:

  • When approaching a hydration station, move to the side of the road, grab your fluid/nutritional needs and keep moving. There will be multiple hydration tables so if the first table is busy KEEP MOVING.
  • There will be water refill stations for those runners carrying their own bottles.
  • Throw your used cup to the side of the road as close to the hydration station as possible, ideally in one of the marked bins. Drop your cup down by your waist so you don’t hit/splash another participant. Please don’t litter on the course after passing the last aid station garbage bin.
  • If you plan to stop at the aid station, move past the tables and pull off to the side of the road.
  • Say thank you to the volunteers!

After the Race

A – Keep moving

Collect your medal as you cross the Finish Line, then keep moving through the chute until you get to the Post-Race Recovery Area. Keep moving for at least 10 more minutes afterwards to gradually bring your heart rate down and help your legs flush out that lactic acid (this will prevent you from being stiff tomorrow).

B – Refuel and rehydrate

Right after the finish line we’ll have water and Nuun for you to rehydrate with. Grab a cup and keep walking – there will be more in the Post-Race Recovery Area. A variety of snacks will be available in the Recovery Area, including bananas, Larabars, juice, and yogurt. The carbs will help replenish your energy stores while a bit of protein will help rebuild your muscles. Make sure you eat something within 30 minutes of crossing the line.

There will also be an Under Armour stretching station after the Finish Line, so you’ll have a designated area to do a proper cool-down and post-race stretch!

C – Get warm and enjoy the Finish Area

After you’ve fuelled up, stop by Gear Check to collect your spare clothes. Even on a sunny day, your core temperature will drop fast once you stop moving, especially when you’re still wearing sweaty clothes.

Post-race brunch is always key. There are many excellent restaurants in the area, including some of our favourites: the Alibi Room, Belgard Kitchen, Local, The Birds & the Beets, Catch 122, Jam & Deacon’s Corner.

Congratulations! Now it’s time to start planning your next race – registration for the 2020 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k is now open!

Your Race Day Essentials for the Under Armour Eastside 10K

By | Eastside 10k, Run Gear | No Comments

It’s almost the end of summer but you still have time to crush some PBs! We’re days away from the Under Armour Eastside 10K and if you’re feeling less than ready, set, go, check out the rundown below for all your race needs:

Look good, feel good:

If you’re looking for a way to smash last year’s race time, look to the UA RUSH product line by our sponsor Under Armour. The mineral infused fabric absorbs your body heat and converts it into infrared energy that is re-emitted back into the body. This recycled energy promotes improved performance, energy and recovery, giving you that extra edge over the other runners. Since we haven’t had the best conditions in past years, be sure to plan for any type of weather and bring your rain jacket. If mother nature is on our side, be sure to wear a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes.

Pics or it didn’t happen:

Do it for the ‘gram! Setting your PB in a 10K and even just finishing a 10K is a major accomplishment. What better way to boast about your success than to share photos on social media? Use #UAEastside10K to share your before, during, and after race pictures. Not only are we excited to see the run from your perspective, but we want you to show the world why the Under Armour Eastside 10K is the best run in Vancouver.

Who you are supporting:

The Under Armour Eastside 10K proudly supports the Vancouver community by supporting three local charities – The Downtown Eastside Women’s CentrePHS Community Services Society and YouthCo. Last year we were so proud to raise over $29,000. Let’s keep it rolling!

Now you’re race ready. See you at the starting line!