Does RegShield require proof when making a claim?

By | Enhanced Refund Protection | No Comments
Yes. Every claim made to Race Roster’s Enhanced Refund Protection Program must be supported with proof of loss and proof of purchase. The required proof of loss will vary depending upon the case.
Any participant that purchased the Enhanced Refund Protection Program and would like a refund can complete the validation form and file their claim HERE.
For any additional refund related questions, please reach out to

What are the processing fees that I’m charged with my registration?

By | Registration, Registration | No Comments

Race Roster collects a fee on all transactions (processing fees) as this is an industry standard. Their team assists our races from beginning to end, and this fee allows them to provide meaningful customer support to all participants, covers merchant costs of processing the transaction, the technology costs of developing an online registration platform, includes event cancellation protection for participants in the case of an emergency, and ensures that the online race experience is seamless for all.

We understand that some people aren’t familiar with where these fees are spent, and may think they are an irrelevant added cost, though without them, we would not be able to host the events that we do.

When and Where is Race Kit Pickup?

By | Race Kit Pickup, Results & Swag | No Comments
Race Kit Pick Location
The Under Armour Brand House in the Toronto Eaton Centre
All participants in the In-Person event must pick up their Race Kit at Race Kit Pickup.
Race Kit Pick Schedule
Tuesday, June 10th – Friday, June 13th 2025
Hours: 10:00am – 8:00pm
There is no race day pickup.
Picking up for a Friend?
Please bring either their original Race Roster Registration Confirmation Email OR a text, e-mail, or hand-written note that states they allow you to pick up their race kit on their behalf.