Can I transfer distances?

By | Registration, Registration | No Comments
Participants can transfer between events and distances until August 5th at 11:59pm through the Race Roster platform.
*Please note that there is only one transfer available per registration, and transfers into a sold out sub-event are not permitted.
To transfer your distance, visit the Event Page and click the ‘Transfer’ button on the left hand menu.
There is a $10 administrative fee to transfer between events, plus any additional registration fee difference between events.

How do I input my results?

By | Results & Swag | No Comments
Participants will be able to upload their distances and times from September 1-30th. Once you have completed your activity, you will track it on the Race Roster Results Platform by following these steps:
– Login to your Participant Dashboard
– Locate your Oasis ZooRun virtual race on the right side of your participant dashboard
– Select the [Post your result] button
– Add the duration (HH/MM/SS) of your run and/or walk
– Select ‘Submit Results’ button

If I deferred my 2020 entry, am I automatically registered for the next in-person event or do I have to register again?

By | General, Registration | No Comments

To participate in the 2023 event, you will need to complete the current registration form and enter your deferral code in the Promo Code section.

Find your deferral code by going to and use the dropdown at the top to search past events. Choose the 2020 Oasis ZooRun and then find the code under the “Additional Details” portion of your registration.

What happens if the event sells out?

By | Registration | No Comments

Unfortunately there is limited space in this event, and once we are sold out, we are unable to open more spaces. We do not maintain a waitlist for our events. We hope you will join us for another of our virtual events. You can find our events here:

Can I change the shirt size I initially requested?

By | Registration, Registration | No Comments
You are able to change your shirt size online before August 5th at 11:59pm.
How to Change your Shirt Size
2. Confirm that you’re managing the correct registration. To switch the event and manage a different registration click the All events button and select the appropriate event.
3. Click the Edit registration button.
4. You will then be taken to the Edit registration details page where you can make any updates to your registration. Each part of your registration is broken up into respective fields.
5. Once you have made the appropriate edits, click the green Save button to complete the process.