Today’s running competition is fierce and becoming your best takes more than just training. In the past, knowing when to train and how hard to train was simply based on how you felt. Now, through connected fitness apps and products, technology can test your body and tell you when and how to train, how to set goals and track against them. You no longer have to write down how you felt after a long run, or time yourself or even track your distance – connected fitness products do this for you allowing you to focus on one thing, your run. Below are five ways that connected fitness can elevate your training:
- Set Goals and Smash Them
Connected fitness apps such as MapMyRun make it easy for you to set goals, track them, beat them, and set new ones. You can track time, cadence, duration, distance and splits, making it super easy for you to see how you are tracking against your goals.
- Know when you’re ready to push the limits
The new Under Armour Record-Equipped shoes will tell you whether or not today is the day to push your limits. Each Record-Equipped shoe has a chip that not only tracks your run, but analyzes the explosive power in your jump to tell you whether or not your body is ready to train. To perform the jump test, simply jump around before your run. After setting a baseline, your jump score will measure muscle fatigue and recovery rate to suggest how intensely to run. To learn more about the shoes and the jump test, click here.
- Track your route
No more Google maps, no more getting lost. Apps like MapMyRun, make it easy for you to track your route and your time. If you have smart running shoes, simply go out for a run and the GPS tracker in the shoes will track your route, time, stride length, and more. Even if you’ve left your phone at home, Under Armour Record-Equipped shoes will track and store your run data for up to five runs before needing to be synced.
- Stay connected with some friendly competition
There’s no better way to push yourself than a little healthy competition. If you can’t get out and run with your friends or crew don’t worry, connected fitness allows you to have an online community where you can share your routes and results.
- When to get new shoes
Running in a pair of worn down sneakers is a recipe for an injury, and knowing when your favourite pair has run its course and are ready to retire is tricky. Under Armour Record-Equipped shoes keep track of how far you have run and send you a notification once your shoes have reached the 650 km mark – that’s approximately 15 marathons. After 650 km, it’s time to ditch the shoes and buy a new pair.