How can I fundraise in support of KidSport Toronto?

By | Charity, Charity | No Comments
Simply personalize your Fundraising Page, then send it around to family and friends.
1) To customize your page, select Donate to participant,  search for your name, and click on Donate.
2) Sign In to Race Roster if not yet logged in (top right).
3) Click  Edit fundraising page  below the profile image on the  right-hand  side.
4) Specify your fundraising goal, write a personal message, and upload a photo.
5) Be sure to scroll down and click Save updated fundraising information.

Can I change the shirt size I initially requested?

By | Results & Swag, Results & Swag | No Comments

Can I change the shirt size I initially requested?

You are able to change your shirt size online before June 1st at 11:59pm.
How to Change your Shirt Size
2. Confirm that you’re managing the correct registration (Under Armour Toronto 10K). To switch the event and manage a different registration click the All events button and select the appropriate event.
3. Click the Edit registration button.
4. You will then be taken to the Edit registration details page where you can make any updates to your registration. Each part of your registration is broken up into respective fields.
5. Once you have made the appropriate edits, click the green Save button to complete the process.