

Top Contenders UA Eastside 10k

Top contenders for the 2017 Under Armour Eastside 10k

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From defending champions to Olympians, the contenders for this year’s Under Armour Eastside 10k will ensure it will be a great battle for the top spot on the podium.  Here are the top four women and men to watch out for:

Leslie SextonLeslie Sexton –

Returning to defend her 2016 Eastside 10k title, Leslie Sexton has been putting in the mileage this summer.  Upwards of 200km per week, her Strava account tells no lies about the work she’s been putting in.  Winning the Toronto Waterfront 10k this past June in 34:48, Sexton is gearing up for this fall’s Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon where she will try and break her personal best of 2:33:00.

Lanni MarchantLanni Marchant –

An Olympian in both the 10,000m and marathon at the Rio Olympics, and the Canadian record holder in the marathon, Under Armour athlete Lanni Marchant will be racing in her first UA Eastside 10k.  Battling health issues earlier this year, Marchant was unable to compete at the 2017 World Track and Field Championships in the marathon this summer, but has her eyes set on hitting a fast marathon in Berlin this fall.

Natasha WodakNatasha Wodak –

2016 Olympian, and the 10,000m Canadian record holder, Natasha Wodak will be contending for the top spot on the podium at this year’s Under Armour Eastside 10k.  After placing 16th at this summer’s World Track and Field Championships in the 10,000m, Wodak has shown she’s back to her top form after being forced to take a break this winter after having surgery on her foot.

Rachel CliffRachel Cliff –

After hitting the Olympic standard last year, Rachel Cliff has proved again and again that she can contend with the best in the world.  Improving her 10,000m time by 15 seconds to 32:07 which put her on her first World Track and Field Championship team this summer in London. Cliff went on to improve that time in London by 7 seconds, for a new personal best of 32:00.  She will be a force to be reckoned with at this year’s Under Armour Eastside 10k.

Geoff MartinsonGeoff Martinson –

Geoff Martinson is the defending champion of the 2015 #Uaeastside 10k.  Martinson has a history in specializing in shorter distances, with a semi final appearance in the 1500m at the 2011 World Track and Field Championships.  With many podium finishes at local road races, he was the former BC Champ in the 5k, the 10k will cater to Martinson’s speedy side.

Dylan WykesDylan Wykes –

One of Canada’s fastest marathoners, Dylan Wykes is a past champion of the #UAEastside10k.  Although Wykes is known best for his blazing marathon times, notably his 2:10:47 at the 2012 Rotterdam Marathon, and his 20th place at the London 2012 Olympic Games, don’t discount him on being able to knock of a speedy 10k.

Kevin CoffeyKevin Coffey –

A recent resident to Vancouver, Coffey made the move out west for better training opportunities and more temperate running weather.  His efforts haven’t been for naught.  Clocking personal bests in both the 5000m and 10,000m, Coffey’s consistent training has steadily lowered his times showing he will be a sure contender on the 2017 UA Eastside 10k start line.

Theo HuntTheo Hunt –

Working as a full-time teacher during the school year, Theo hasn’t let that deter him from training and achieving personal bests along the way.  In 2017, Hunt has bettered his personal bests in the 3000m and 5000m, and has produced competitive times on the local road running circuit too.  Having the speed work in his legs from focusing on track this summer, he’ll be looking to translate that onto the roads at this year’s UA Eastside 10k.

recovery properly after a race

How to recover properly after a race

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As soon as you step over the finish line, it’s important to think about recovering properly after a race.  It’s usually overlooked, but is a crucial component of one’s training program.  Accomplishing any race distance is certainly something that should be celebrated with post-race festivities, and a little rest and relaxation.  But what happens after that?  It’s easy to get through the pre-race taper, hit the ground running on race day, and bask in your success. But what’s the best way to get back into running?  How long does recovery take?  What’s the best way to recover?

Immediately after:

As soon as you cross the finish line don’t stop moving.  Keep walking towards your medal, post-race food, and to see any friends and family that have come to support you.  Working hard during a race causes your heart to pump blood and oxygen rapidly through your body, and will continue to do so even after you cross the line.  By walking around for a good 15-20 minutes afterwards will help to avoid any blood from pooling in your extremities if you were to stop abruptly.  Moving will help to flush out the metabolic waste that’s accumulated in your muscles from the race, and will aid in active recovery.  Continue to move for the rets of the day too – nothing crazy, but after you’ve had a nap opt to go for a short walk in the evening to keep your muscles from tightening up.

Within one to two hours

Get some fluids and food in you as soon as you can.  Burning through your energy stores, and sweating throughout a race can leave you depleted.  Races will have some post-race food that will be great to bridge the gap between the end of the race and your next meal.  Try to get a good amount of carbohydrates and protein to feed your exhausted muscles.  It’s important to rehydrate with 16-20 oz of water for every pound of body weight you’ve lost during the race.  Add in electrolytes, or grab a sports drink to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating.  The amount you have to drink to rehydrate will depend on your sweat rate, the heat/humidity of the day, and how much you hydrated throughout the race.  Keeping an eye on the colour of your urine is a good indicator: light yellow/lemonade is the colour to strive for.  Try to avoid alcohol immediately after the race, or at least until you’ve had some water/electrolytes.  Having depleted your body’s stores, the effects of the alcohol are much greater post-race and can impede your recovery.

24 hours after:

Getting a good night’s sleep after a big race is key.  It can be difficult falling asleep after big efforts due to achy and restless legs.  Avoid taking anti-inflammatories – your body elicits an inflammatory response as part of it’s healing process.  The sore muscles may suck initially, but it’s all part of the process.  If you’re having a tough time sleeping, look into taking melatonin. It is a natural substance created in our pineal gland that helps to regulate our sleep-wake cycle.

The day after a race, if your muscles are still sore and achy, take an ice bath.  This will help speed up the recovery process by assisting the body in reducing the inflammation in the tissues.  Use the day after a race to debrief about the race, go for a walk, and just relax.  The down time after a race is just as important as the hard work before a race.

The week after the race:

Going back into training doesn’t need to be done right away.  A lot of people will take a few days off, and go for walks/light cross training to keep their body moving and loose.  The rule of thumb is in the first couple weeks after a race, follow the structure of the taper week, but in reverse.  It’s a great guideline for easing back into intensity without overdoing it.  Avoid too much intensity until about 10-14 days after the race to allow your muscles to fully recover before getting back into the swing of things.  Also, don’t forget the importance of rolling and stretching.  Many runners will book a massage or physio appointment for the week after a race to help flush their legs out.  Both these options help your recovery by increasing blood flow to your recovering muscles.

Keep in mind that these guidelines are just suggestions.  Everyone takes different times to heal and recover.  Listen to your body to figure out the best approach for your return to training.

The do’s and don’ts of training while injured

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Runner’s are notorious for training through injury.  No matter how much this may be revered, doing this can do more damage than good.  The “no pain, no gain” mentality is a mindset many athlete’s have, but is a detrimental one.  There are times that training through discomfort is okay, like dealing with delayed onset muscle soreness from a previous workout. However, when the discomfort is actually painful, it’s worth second guessing your decision to train.  Many injuries start with a little niggle that gets pushed aside and trained through.  By not giving it a chance to heal, that niggle can escalate into pain, and then into a full-blown injury.

This is where listening to your body, and seeking professional helps comes in.  Getting injured doesn’t mean you’re sidelined from everything as there are many other cross-training activities that can help to maintain fitness.  Learning to train around an injury will not only help you to recover faster, it’ll keep your mind at ease.

See a doctor or sport-related practitioner to diagnose the problem, and use your own common sense and grit to keep training sensibly.  These are some of the most common mistakes of training with an injury, and how to avoid it from happening to you:

MISTAKE: “No pain, no gain.”
FIX: Listen to your body.

Our bodies are incredibly resilient and are able to downplay a lot of things.  We have nerve endings in our body that sense pain called nociceptors.  Depending on the area of the body that’s affected, pain that may feel intense in one area, may feel minimal somewhere else.  However, when any kind of pain is felt, it usually hurts for a reason and is a good indication that something is wrong.  The “no pain, no gain” mentality is a recipe for disaster.  When people push through these signals and continue doing the activity that causes pain, it’s not surprising that damage occurs.
So instead of trying to act like a hero, take time off from the painful activity.  This will allow any damage to remain minimal and heal more efficiently.  If the pain is significant or doesn’t improve after a few days of rest, consult a doctor or physiotherapist to assess the injury and determine the root cause.

MISTAKE: Consulting Dr. Google.
FIX: Consult a human professional.

Having the world’s knowledge at our fingertips can be a dangerous resource when trying to diagnose an injury.  What may be the signs and symptoms of a minor muscle strain, could look like the tell-tale signs of some rare incurable disease.  Unless you personally have a background in human anatomy and sports injuries, it’s best to leave the diagnosing up to the professionals.

Seek out a doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor, or RMT who has experience with athletes and will understand your desire to get back to training as soon as possible.  Not only will they help to identify the problem, they’ll give a reasonable timeline, and be more understanding in their return to health plan.  Incorporating cross-training alternatives and maintenance exercises to prevent the injury from happening again, sport-specific practitioners will have you back in the game in a timely fashion.

MISTAKE: Thinking absolute rest is the answer.
FIX: Cross-train.

It’s normal to think that resting an injury is going to help it heal faster.  The issue is when people rest completely, and cease any and all activity.  Unless you’ve been told by a practitioner to do nothing, there will be other activities that won’t cause any pain or do further damage. Exercise, in any shape or form, helps your body recover.  People’s cardiovascular health, metabolism and immune system are all influenced by exercise in a positive way.
So instead of becoming a couch potato when you’re injured, try different cross-training activities and use your extra time to do tedious physio exercises that will stave off any other injuries.  Modify workouts but adjusting the intensity, only working non-injured muscles, and avoid anything that causes pain.  You’ll be able to maintain fitness, gain overall strength, and keep sane during a time where you’re unable to run.

MISTAKE: Starting where you left off.
FIX: Ease back into it.

Being injured is bad enough, but it’s even harder when you’re allowed to run again but have restrictions on what you can do.  Trying to jump right back into training at the level you were at pre-injury, can set you back again.  While that fitness level might be the most fresh in your mind, it doesn’t mean your body is ready to do it.  Start back slowly and conservatively.  Avoid speedwork and hills for the first stage of recovery; don’t run on back-to-back days until you can run and have no pain before, during, or after; and increase your mileage by 10% per week.  Keeping these guidelines in mind will lessen the chance of reinjury.

Don’t give up! An injury is annoying and frustrating to deal with, but it doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to run again.  Seek out help, be patient, and rekindle your love for other activities; it’ll make the recovery time go by much faster!

How Important is Sleep for Runners?

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Sleep is probably the most under appreciated tool in a runner’s toolbox as it helps to prevent injury and rebuild muscle.  But in a world where working into the wee hours of the night is considered a badge of honour, it could be negatively impacting your training.  Lack of sleep can affect us in many different ways and these are some of the most crucial effects to be aware of:

  • Brain function: anyone who hasn’t had enough sleep and has to go to work/school can attest to what a struggle it is to be productive.  The foggy-brained feeling can lead to a decrease in creativity, and increases the chance of giving up on a complex problem.
    Not only that, emotions and anxiety run high when we’re sleep deprived.  A lot of problem solving, decisions, and judgements are made while we sleep; if we don’t allow the natural processing of information, it can cause increased stress and lower cognitive functioning.
  • Tired eyes.  Nodding off during a boring lecture, meeting or while working on an assignment is a big indicator that you haven’t had enough sleep.  Having 6 hours or less of sleep triples your risk of being in a motor vehicle accident.
    When we nod off, it’s because we are actually having a “microsleep” where we actually fall asleep for a few seconds at a time.  This occurs especially during monotonous tasks like driving and can be incredibly dangerous.  Not only that, our hand-eye coordination is impaired, which is why a lot of note taking looks rather messy when you’re tired!
  • Altered diets.  When we lack sleep, our body tends to crave food as a of boosting our energy levels.  These cravings are usually for high-carb, calorically dense foods such as dessert, chips, pasta and bread.
    There are two important hormones that are released throughout the day that signal hunger and satiation: leptin signals to our body that we’re full; whereas ghrelin sends signals out that we’re hungry.  Leptin levels increase as the day progresses, and peak at nighttime.

    If you’re staying awake late at night, there is an increased ghrelin release to convince the body that it’s hungry, even when it doesn’t need more food.  This malfunctioning hormone signals put people at risk for weight gain if they’re continually sleep deprived.

  • Heart risks.  Chronic sleep deprivation can put increased stress on your heart and put you at risk of developing hypertension and increased blood pressure.  Sleep is when the most cell regeneration occurs, and as your blood vessels constantly regenerate, they are highly sensitive to any changes in that process.
    If the blood vessels aren’t properly repaired while resting, it can lead to stiffness in the arteries, and reduce your healing efficiency.  Neither of which are good things when you’re placing demands on your heart and vessels during hard interval sessions!
  • Impaired immune system.  Lack of sleep can boost the inflammation in your body.  Not only does that affect your chances of gaining weight, developing diabetes and increased heart risks, it can make you more vulnerable to getting sick.  Getting at least 7 hours of sleep can help ward off the seasonal cold.

Join Canada Running Series at the 2017 Ragnar Relay!

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Canada Running Series has partnered with the two Canadian stops of the 2017 Ragnar Relay! Use your Canada Running Series discount code when registering and look out for the CRS booth in the Ragnar Village!

Enter code CANCRS17 to save $100 on your team entry. Please note that the discount must be applied at time of registration and cannot be applied retroactively or used with any other promotion.

Reebok Ragnar Niagara

May 19 – 20, 2017

Reebok Ragnar Relay Niagara is a 300-ish kilometer running relay race through the most breathtaking parts of Ontario, happening on May 19-20th! Your team of 12 members (or ultra team of 6 members) will run relay-style starting on Friday, run through the night, and finish on Saturday. This running adventure kicks off in the quaint town of Cobourg. From there your team will conquer kilometers of rolling hills as you pass farmlands, beautiful vineyards and views of Lake Ontario from the Waterfront Trail. As night falls, electrified views of Toronto, stars, and runners with headlamps light up the night. Reebok Ragnar Niagara finishes at the majestic Niagara Falls where you and your team can admire the view and marvel in your grand accomplishment.

Click here for details.


Ragnar Trail Cottage Country – ON

September 8 – 9, 2017

Ragnar Trail Cottage Country-ON presented by Salomon is a brand new trail running adventure coming to Ontario on Sept. 8-9, 2017. Only 90 minutes from Toronto, right outside of Orillia lies an adventure seeker’s paradise known as Hardwood Ski and Bike. Your team of 8 members (or 4 ultra members) will conquer a set of three trails, or “loops”, that start and stop at Ragnar Village. Teams start on Friday morning, run through the night with headlamps, and finish on Saturday. When you’re not running, you’ll enjoy camping with friends, bonfires, s’mores and party vibe that is unique to Ragnar.

Click here for details.


The Benefits of “Pre-Hab”

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Physiotherapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors are often associated with injury and rehabilitation. However they also have an important role in prehabilitation: the process of enhancing the functional capacity of the individual to enable him or her to withstand the stresses of training and reducing the chance of injury.

Prehabilitation or “pre-hab” can be many different things. Preventative physio, massage or chiropractic treatments; strength training; cross training; and stretching all fall under the umbrella of pre-hab.

Physiotherapists can provide a screening of the body in order to see how it’s functioning. Assessing an individual’s flexibility, mobility, core strength, running mechanics, shoe wear and posture can give light into where potential injuries may occur, and why certain injuries have manifested in the past. After determining where any instabilities and weaknesses are located, the physio can offer suggestions on how to improve these areas and what exercises would be beneficial to implement into one’s training regime.

Massage therapists are often an integral part of the team behind many high level athletes and as such should be incorporated into any runner’s maintenance regime. While personal therapy like foam rolling is great for keeping injuries at bay, the expertise and knowledge of a registered massage therapist (RMT) is better for treating nagging niggles. While sport focused massage may not be as relaxing as a massage at the spa, it’s far more beneficial. RMTs work with a variety of techniques to reduce scar tissue, muscle knots/adhesions, and increase muscle function. They are an excellent way to ensure your muscles and tendons are working as efficiently as possible, as well as a multitude of other benefits.

Chiropractors offer a manual approach to conditions relating to the neurological, muscular, and skeletal systems of the body. Through different treatment modalities and spinal manipulations, chiros can help alleviate pain, muscle imbalance, or joint restriction. By aligning the spine and releasing any restrictions in the joints or muscles, it decreases the likelihood of developing compensation patterns or muscle imbalances.

Utilizing these resources, especially if you have extended medical coverage, is totally worth doing. Not only will it help to reduce your risk of injury, it will provide a better understanding for the way your body moves and functions.

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we add advice from local practitioners to help you develop your pre-hab plans!

Three Tips for Overcoming Adversity

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TORONTO September 26th, 2016 – By Kate Van Buskirk

It’s a hard reality to face, but setbacks are inherent in every runner’s athletic career.  Injury, illness, burnout, and life frustrations that get between our soles and the pavement—we all experience these at one point or another. Of course, we take precautions to limit their likelihood: we follow a sound training plan, fuel our bodies well, stretch and recover, and carefully carve out time for runs in otherwise busy days. And yet, despite our best efforts to prevent them, obstacles inevitably find their way into our training and race prep. Sometimes these are short-lived and have little impact on our chances for success. A missed workout here or there likely won’t do much to get in the way of your race day goals. Shin splints that develop into a stress fracture, on the other hand, can set you out for weeks.

Like every runner, I have had my share of setbacks. Last fall, less than a year out from this summer’s Olympic Games, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that causes major inflammation in my joints and leads to severe, chronic pain. In spite of great preparation and planning going into this year, the 2016 season was a patchwork of inconsistent training, symptom management, and ultimately, disappointment.  I had to not only try to understand this diagnosis and find a way to reduce my pain and discomfort, but also slowly accept the reality that I wasn’t going to make the Olympic team. It was devastating, and made me question my future and identity as a runner.

We can all relate to this in some way: regardless of the particular set of circumstances, we all feel heavy hearted when our training and preparation get interrupted and we have to reassess or redefine our goals. Whether you’re trying to complete your first 5km, qualify for Boston, or represent your country at the Olympics, you’ve made a commitment to an endeavour that can bring tremendous pride and satisfaction, but also deep frustration when things don’t go as planned.

So how do we manage these various challenges and optimize our chances for success? In my experience as an athlete and coach, I have learned that controlling the controllables, seeking out good resources, and finding opportunity in adversity are great places to start!

Control the controllables:

In any situation, there are factors that are within our control, and those that are not. Investing our time and energy in doing all the little things right to prevent and manage adversity is the best way to set ourselves up for success. Conversely, worrying about things that are beyond our control will only augment frustrations and cause stress and anxiety that could actually compound the problem.  Find a sound training program, set clear but flexible goals, eat well, sleep and recover as much as possible, replace your shoes regularly, listen to your body when it tells you that you’re pushing too hard, practice positive visualization, and put a good race day plan in place.  Take charge of the things that you know you need to do for yourself and regardless of the outcome, take pride in knowing that you set yourself up with the best chances for success and satisfaction.

Equip yourself with good resources:

Part of controlling the controllables involves arming yourself with good information and resources, as preventative measures and when adversity strikes. Learn as much as you can about the hurdle you’re facing, how it happened, and how you can reduce the negative implications.  Seek out knowledgeable, experienced professionals who can advise you well and empower you to get and stay healthy, strong, and race-ready.

View setbacks as opportunity: 

There’s a wonderful quote by Canadian Olympic rower Silken Laumann written on the wall of the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence in Victoria that reads:

“There are gifts in adversity. Behind every challenge there is remarkable opportunity.”

I read this quote every time I was at the Institute. At first I considered it cheesy and overly optimistic: how could I possibly see “remarkable opportunity” in my situation when all I was feeling was frustrated, disappointed and in pain? Over the last year, however, I’ve learned that injury is not only inevitable, but it also forces you to learn an incredible amount about your body and mind, their deficiencies and strengths, and how to work on both.  I missed out on the Olympics this year, and that was so tough. But I am completely confident that I will go into training for the 2020 Games stronger, wiser, and with greater chances for success thanks to the adversity I faced and the wealth of information I’ve gained as a result.

As we venture into the fall racing season, I encourage you to keep these things in mind, and as always, RUN HAPPY!

About Kate Van Buskirk:  Kate is a professional track and road runner representing Brooks Canada, who specializes in the 1500m. She is a 2-time National Champion, an 8-time National Team member, and a Commonwealth Games bronze medalist. She is a Duke University alumnus where she studied cultural anthropology. She currently lives and trains in Toronto where she works as a coach with Pace and Mind and Myodetox Performance. Connect with Kate on Twitter and Instagram

Don’t miss out on the #Eastside10k Crew Challenge

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VANCOUVER – August 29, 2016

Crews and clubs are coming together to support our local Eastside 10k charities and run. Here are the clubs that have signed up so far, along with the charities they are supporting.

If you are a member of any of the crews, when you are registering choose join a group or team, instead of individual registration and choose your respective club. Then complete the registration form, contact your crew leaders as each has a discount code that you can use to register.

Follow the Crews!

The best place to find the clubs is through their social profiles.

west-08-30-16-updateYou may not be the fastest person in your club, but there are many ways that you can support club to become the Eastside 10k Crew Champions. Help you team by fundraising for the charity they are supporting. Just by running you help, the total number of runners for each crew counts towards the total points. Run in a costume, the best costumes will be recognized for each crew! If you can’t run, again your fundraising would count to the total, but you can also show your spirit at one of the crew cheer stations on the course. The cheer station with the most spirit out there, not only helps encourage the runners but will be recognized as well.

Some of the special initiatives that we’ve heard of so far:

EVRC will be hosting a 6 hour endurance challenge, to see how many miles they can run on a treadmill, against themselves and other crews. It will take place on September 14th, with location still TBD. EVRC is also hosting a pizza run on Sept 12, with proceeds going towards the Breakfast Clubs of Canada. And once again have their special “Horns out” EVRC growlers on sale to support their charity.

Fraser Street will be promoting their silent auction for a number of great prizes, donated by their club members and supporters. Watch their Facebook and Instagram for details.

For more details on the challenge and how your crew/club can join, visit our past blog post.

CRS West Three-peat Medals

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Runners Who Are Eligible for Three-peat Medals

These runners have completed both the 2016 Modo Spring Run-Off 8k, the 2016 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon or 5k, and are registered for the Vancouver Eastside 10k – making them eligible for the CRS West Three-peat Medal. To receive the medal, these runners must also complete the Vancouver Eastside 10k on September 17. Runners who have registered for the Eastside 10k (as of September 12) are indicated below.

After completing the Eastside 10k, eligible runners can claim their Three-peat medal at the Awards Tent on Race Day.

If your name does not appear on the list below and you have completed both the other 2016 events, please email and include your name, email addresses (if multiple addresses were used for the race registrations), and finisher times in both races.

First Name Last Name Eligible
Elviie Abdulmennanova Yes
Erica Acton Yes
Jonathan Aiello Yes
Pamela Andee Yes
Miranda Andrews Yes
Melissa Appleton Yes
Fabiola Arevalo Yes
Julia Armstrong Yes
Matthew Banman Yes
James Barnett Yes
Jeanette Bartle Yes
Francesca Beckhelling Yes
Nathan Beckhelling Yes
Jennifer Beh Yes
Brian Benson Yes
Amber Bhangoo Yes
Elizabeth Boghean Yes
Johanna Bonilla Yes
Richard Boulton Yes
Jennifer Bowing Yes
Mark Boyter Yes
Colin Brander Yes
Linda Brandt Yes
Michael Breeze Yes
Claire-Louise Brown Yes
Josh Brown Yes
Stephen Brown Yes
Gordon Bruce Yes
Shirley Bruce Yes
Leslie Bryan Yes
Tifannie Camangeg Yes
Greg Canning Yes
Vic Capiral Yes
Ryan Cawsey Yes
Eric Cessford Yes
Ian Chagunda Yes
Kelvin Chao Yes
Martine Charbonneau Yes
Alexa Charles Yes
Francis Chee Yes
Jackie Chen Yes
Benny Cheng Yes
Joey Cheng Yes
Pat Cheung Yes
Bo Chew Yes
Ryan Chilibeck Yes
Kimbel Cho Yes
Gary Chong Yes
Kai Chong Yes
Esther Conibear Yes
Sean Conry Yes
Jarrod Cowan Yes
Hector Curiel Yes
Victoria Currie Yes
Bradley Cuzen Yes
Indira Dabney Yes
Scott Daley Yes
Kat Davidson Yes
Vivian Davidson Yes
Bruce Day Yes
Carrie-Ann Debruyn Yes
April Der Yes
Binder Dhaliwal Yes
Catalina Dimitropoulos Yes
Panagiotis Dimitropoulos Yes
Alicia Dorsch Yes
Ana – Maria Dunbar Yes
Michael Dunbar Yes
Jodi Eckland Yes
Michelle Edwards Yes
Kyle Empringham Yes
Naomi Enns Yes
Jim Esplen Yes
Greg Faber Yes
Leanne Fawcett Yes
Corby Ferrier Yes
Philip Finlayson Yes
Evelyn Forrest Yes
Sheila Gatcho Yes
Andrea Gates Yes
Holly Geddert Yes
Colin Gilliam Yes
Jacquie Grant Yes
Giuliana Graves Yes
Sydney Guloien-Olmsted Yes
Vitaly Gulyaev Yes
Charlotte Gyoba Yes
Jovan Hamovic Yes
Jennifer Harfield Yes
Stephen Havas Yes
Nikki Hayley-Hughes Yes
Norman Heu Yes
John Heuft Yes
Justin Ho Yes
Sid Holland Yes
Jeannine Holwill Yes
Rick Horita Yes
Joanne Howitz Yes
Mike Hsiao Yes
Rita Hui Yes
Angela Huxham Yes
Basil Huxham Yes
Fiona Ives Yes
June James Yes
Surinder Janda Yes
Ken Jang Yes
Gitte Jensen Yes
Angela Jobbagy Yes
Edmund Jor Yes
MacKenzie Judd Yes
John Star Kalten Yes
Yoonseok Kang Yes
Melanie Kassel Yes
Debra Kato Yes
Samantha Kennedy Yes
Kathleen Klause Yes
Frances Knowles Yes
Mallory Kuling Yes
Darrell Lahey Yes
Allan Lai Yes
Philip Lai Yes
Elizabeth Lam Yes
Doreen Lang Yes
Anna Laporta Yes
Patrick Lau Yes
Andrew Lawson Yes
Michele Lee Yes
Richard Lee Yes
Megan Lengle Yes
Therese Lessard Yes
John Leung Yes
Keith Kwokkei Leung Yes
Marie Lewis Yes
Vincent Li Yes
Guan Lim Yes
Jacob Loewen Yes
Tracey Loewen Yes
Tiffany Luna Yes
Danielle Macdonald Yes
Rebecca MacDonald Yes
Benitta MacLachlan Yes
Steaphan Macleod Yes
Rodney Mah Yes
Henry Main Yes
Derek Man Yes
Sarah Mara Yes
Haydn Masuda Yes
Yvegeny Mayang Yes
Tanya McCarthy Yes
Michael McCormick Yes
Natalie McCrae Yes
Suzanne McCray Yes
Jim McLean Yes
Trevor McLelland Yes
Amanda McPhillips Yes
Gregg Medwid Yes
Stefani Mello Yes
Jaylene Mennen Yes
Stephanie Mercier Yes
Glenna Mitchell Yes
Jen Moroz Yes
Lisa Morrow Yes
Erin Mullen Yes
Travis Mullen Yes
Dimitrios Mylonas Yes
James Newby Yes
Karen Ng Yes
Lisa Ng Yes
Ryan Ng Yes
Nichoson Nguyen Yes
Graham Nicholls Yes
Drew Nicholson Yes
Tomoko Nishimatsu Yes
Shaun Noorzay Yes
Greg Norris Yes
Cathy Nurmi Yes
Rachel Olfert Yes
Laura Olson Yes
Moses Ortiz Yes
Kevin Park Yes
Katie Parker Yes
Andrew Parton Yes
Kiera Parton Yes
Suzanne Parton Yes
Antonio Paulino Yes
Julia Payson Yes
Amanda Pehlivanian Yes
Sean Peicheff Yes
Maria Perez Yes
Nancy Perl Yes
Alison Petrie Yes
Dionne Phillips Yes
Kathy Potter Yes
Simrin Purhar Yes
Ying Qiu Yes
Daisy Rajaratnam Yes
Carlos Rendon Yes
Simon Richards Yes
David Robins Yes
Sarah Robins Yes
Kelly Robinson Yes
Jordan Ross Yes
Louise Rouse Yes
Blair Russell Yes
Kens Ryu Yes
Sharon Sandhu Yes
Jacqueline Saunders Yes
Robyn Scalise Yes
Stefanie Schaumann Yes
Mark Schellenberg Yes
Dan Schmidt Yes
Marco Sdao Yes
Dayna Seaward Yes
Amy Shen Yes
Yoichi Shimizu Yes
John Singh Yes
Sharon Sjerven Yes
Pamela Skinner Yes
Andrew Slack Yes
Gary Sollis Yes
Anthony Soo Yes
Trevor Stride Yes
Malcolm Suarez Yes
Snoopy Sum Yes
Ryan Sweeney Yes
Daniel Szeto Yes
Louise Tagulao Yes
Gary Takeda Yes
Suk Yin Monica Tam Yes
Michael Tammen Yes
Marg Tang Yes
Sarah Tang Yes
Lanny Taschuk Yes
Gabriella Toffoletto Yes
Parm Toor Yes
Ellen Turone Yes
Adrienne Uy Yes
Brittany Vickers Yes
Michele Villeneuve Yes
Delia Visscher Yes
Anni Von Der Linde Yes
Tilman Von Der Linde Yes
Cecilia Vulama Yes
Gregg Walters Yes
James Wang Yes
Judy Westacott Yes
Linda Whitelaw Yes
Kerry Wilkinson Yes
Louise Wilkinson Yes
Nicholas Williams Yes
Brenda Wong Yes
Immanuel Wong Yes
Melinda Wong Yes
Kaity Woodman Yes
Dale Yee Yes
Faye Yee Yes
Sidon Yeung Yes
Jennifer York Yes
Sandy Young Yes

Canada Running Series and BMW Canada Partner to Combine Their Commitment to Excellence

By | Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Uncategorised | No Comments
TORONTO July 28, 2016 

Canada Running Series is delighted to announce a partnership with BMW Canada, making the German manufacturer the Official Vehicle of the 27th edition of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half-Marathon & 5k.

“Our partnership with the Canada Running Series is part of a global movement towards running that will provide BMW with a unique opportunity for new customers to experience our BMW i electric vehicles,” said Marianne MacNeil, manager, event marketing for BMW Canada. “To further support our investment in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, we are hosting a series of training events at BMW i Retailers in the Greater Toronto Area through August and September, followed by a test drive experience at the Running, Health and Fitness Expo during race weekend in October.”

The training event dates are outlined below, with route details to be posted to in the coming weeks. All events are scheduled to begin at 6:30pm.
August 11th – Policaro BMW
August 25th – BMW Toronto
September 1st – Town & Country BMW
September 15th – Budds’ BMW Oakville

BMW is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2016, and has a long history of supporting global endurance sporting events including the BMW Berlin Marathon and Tokyo Marathon – both World Marathon Majors – along with the Frankfurt, Munich, Vancouver and BMW Dallas Marathons.


Marianne MacNeil, Manager, event marketing for BMW Canada and Alan Brookes, Canada Running Series Race Director

“We are thrilled to have such an outstanding global brand as BMW as a partner for Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon,” said Alan Brookes, Race Director and President of Canada Running Series. “We share a passionate commitment to excellence, community and sustainability, and we look forward to sharing the road to success with the entire team at BMW Canada.”

An IAAF Gold Label race, the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (STWM) is Canada’s premier, big-city running event and the Grand Finale of the eight-race Canada Running Series. More than 26,000 runners from over 60 countries will participate in the 27th edition of the event on October 16th, which also serves as the Athletics Canada National Marathon Championship.


Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

An IAAF Gold Label race, the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon is Canada’s premier, big-city running event, the National Marathon Championships, and the Grand Finale of the 8-race Canada Running Series. In 2015 it attracted more than 26,000 participants from 63 countries, raised $3.5 million for 173 charities through the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, and contributed an estimated $35 million to the local economy. The livestream broadcast regularly attracts viewers from over 100 countries, and in 2015 the event also hosted the international Bridge The Gap movement of running crews.

BMW Group in Canada

BMW Group Canada, based in Richmond Hill, Ontario, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BMW AG and is responsible for the distribution of BMW luxury performance automobiles, Sports Activity Vehicles, Motorcycles, and MINI. BMW Group Financial Services Canada is a division of BMW Group Canada and offers retail financing and leasing programs and protection products on new and pre-owned BMW and MINI automobiles, as well as retail financing for new and pre-owned BMW Motorcycles. A total network of 47 BMW automobile retail centres, 20 BMW motorcycle retailers, and 30 MINI retailers represents the BMW Group across the country.
For more information, contact:

Ian Cater
Marketing Coordinator
Canada Running Series
(416) 944-2765 ext. 512