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Brenden Williams

How Important is Sleep for Runners?

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Sleep is probably the most under appreciated tool in a runner’s toolbox as it helps to prevent injury and rebuild muscle.  But in a world where working into the wee hours of the night is considered a badge of honour, it could be negatively impacting your training.  Lack of sleep can affect us in many different ways and these are some of the most crucial effects to be aware of:

  • Brain function: anyone who hasn’t had enough sleep and has to go to work/school can attest to what a struggle it is to be productive.  The foggy-brained feeling can lead to a decrease in creativity, and increases the chance of giving up on a complex problem.
    Not only that, emotions and anxiety run high when we’re sleep deprived.  A lot of problem solving, decisions, and judgements are made while we sleep; if we don’t allow the natural processing of information, it can cause increased stress and lower cognitive functioning.
  • Tired eyes.  Nodding off during a boring lecture, meeting or while working on an assignment is a big indicator that you haven’t had enough sleep.  Having 6 hours or less of sleep triples your risk of being in a motor vehicle accident.
    When we nod off, it’s because we are actually having a “microsleep” where we actually fall asleep for a few seconds at a time.  This occurs especially during monotonous tasks like driving and can be incredibly dangerous.  Not only that, our hand-eye coordination is impaired, which is why a lot of note taking looks rather messy when you’re tired!
  • Altered diets.  When we lack sleep, our body tends to crave food as a of boosting our energy levels.  These cravings are usually for high-carb, calorically dense foods such as dessert, chips, pasta and bread.
    There are two important hormones that are released throughout the day that signal hunger and satiation: leptin signals to our body that we’re full; whereas ghrelin sends signals out that we’re hungry.  Leptin levels increase as the day progresses, and peak at nighttime.

    If you’re staying awake late at night, there is an increased ghrelin release to convince the body that it’s hungry, even when it doesn’t need more food.  This malfunctioning hormone signals put people at risk for weight gain if they’re continually sleep deprived.

  • Heart risks.  Chronic sleep deprivation can put increased stress on your heart and put you at risk of developing hypertension and increased blood pressure.  Sleep is when the most cell regeneration occurs, and as your blood vessels constantly regenerate, they are highly sensitive to any changes in that process.
    If the blood vessels aren’t properly repaired while resting, it can lead to stiffness in the arteries, and reduce your healing efficiency.  Neither of which are good things when you’re placing demands on your heart and vessels during hard interval sessions!
  • Impaired immune system.  Lack of sleep can boost the inflammation in your body.  Not only does that affect your chances of gaining weight, developing diabetes and increased heart risks, it can make you more vulnerable to getting sick.  Getting at least 7 hours of sleep can help ward off the seasonal cold.

Conquer Hill Training with these Four Workouts

By | Race Roster Spring Run-Off | No Comments

Hill training is one of the pillars of any runner’s workout program.  Through the course of a season, the type of hill training can vary from short, explosive hills, to longer hill repeats, to runs on a hilly course depending on the purpose of the workout.

There are many benefits of including hill training into your running program, with the most obvious being added strength and power.  Running uphill requires increased muscle recruitment from our main movers which improves their muscle endurance and neuromuscular responsiveness.  Not only do hills benefit runners from a physiological standpoint, but they can help to improve form, posture, cadence and efficiency.  It’s difficult to run with poor form on hills as the uphill propulsion requires a runner to be on their toes, with a slight forward lean from the ankles, and a higher cadence to drive you up the hill.  The less time you spend on the ground, the quicker your feet move, and the faster you get up the hill!  Hills provide similar speed and strength benefits as track workouts without too much impact on the body.  This is essentially why a lot of programs have hills as an integral part of any off-season and start-of-season training.  It helps get the body into shape, increases speed and power, without the risk of injury.

So what types of workouts are there and what’s the best way to execute them?

1. Short, explosive sprints:

As these workouts are short and powerful, they are not a primary fitness-building workout, but are a great tool for working on form and efficiency.  There are two main purposes to these workouts.  They work on activating and improving neuromuscular system function which is the main communication between the brain and the muscles. By improving this system, the speed of signaling from the brain to the muscles increase and you’re able to recruit more muscle fibers to create more powerful movements.  Second, these hills enhance the heart’s maximal stroke volume, which is the amount of blood pumped out with every heartbeat.  The more blood pumped out in a single beat will decrease one’s heart rate, resulting in a more efficient heart.

During a workouts, the hills are a maximum of 30 seconds long, with a gradient of 5-15%. Using one’s anaerobic system, the athlete can focus on an efficient running technique with vigorous arm movements, high knee lift, with the hips kept high and forward to utilize our big muscles groups like the glutes, quads and hamstrings.

How to do it: Start with four or five reps of 50–100m (10–30 seconds) up a steep hill, then build up over a few sessions to eight to 12 reps. For recovery, walk back down the hill and wait until 2–3 minutes have passed.

2. Medium hills

Starting to get into hill repeats, medium hills take between 30-90 secs to run up.  They combine the benefits of the short, explosive hills as listed above, as well as stressing one’s muscular endurance and tolerance of lactic acid. Combining the anaerobic system of the short, steep hills, and the aerobic component of a longer duration interval will build up your blood lactate as you go up the hill; aka your legs start to burn and you have to keep going.

How to do it: Choose a grade of hill that still allows you to run near race pace, about 6-10%.  Similar to the short hills, form is key: a good knee drive; hips pushed forward; and the back is upright. Aim to increase the number of reps about 1-2 every time a medium hill workout is on the training schedule.  Using a slow jog to get to the bottom of the hill again is a big part of your recovery between intervals.  When you’re just starting out do about 8-10 repeats, and increase gradually each time you do the workout.

3. Long hills

The longest hill intervals are between 90 sec to 3 minutes long.  These sessions are best for people wanting to improve their hill running skills and improve their aerobic fitness and muscle strength.  Compared to strength training in the gym, hills are a functional way to increase the muscles capacity to withstand intensity while working the muscles necessary for running fast: muscles surround the hips, glutes and quads.  Most of your energy comes from aerobic sources, but there will still be a bit of lactic acid buildup in the legs, but it’ll feel more like muscle fatigue compared to the burning muscles the shorter intervals provide!

How to do it: Due to the broad spectrum of duration for these longer intervals, note that the further you’re going, the less intensity you can apply.  When starting out aim for 6-8 hill repeats lasting over 1 minute each, and build in a few more reps every time you repeat this workout.  It’s a great simulation of longer track intervals without the pounding.

4. Rolling hills

While hill intervals won’t necessarily make you a better runner on a hilly course, incorporating a hilly route for long runs/tempos will be useful.  Knowing what kind of course your goal race is going to be on will help you determine just how hilly your runs needs to be.  Doing longer efforts on a rolling course will allow you to maintain your pace while going up and down hills, as well as on a flat surface.  If you attack a hill too hard early into the race, you could tax your legs and suffer during the race before you expected.

How to do it: Try to maintain the same effort going up and down hills; you’ll naturally go faster on the downhill without increasing your effort. Not only that, but running downhill at a decent effort is great practice too. Hilly routes will work your muscles in both concentric and eccentric contractions and will prepare the body for the pounding of running downhill.

Feature Friday – Sports Practitioners

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We’ll be talking with various local Sports Practitioners over the next few weeks for our #FeatureFridays. This week, we’re talking to Chris Napier at Restore Physiotherapy – check it out!


Physiotherapists are highly qualified health professionals whose main goal is to help people get better and stay well. Using advanced techniques and evidence-based care, physiotherapists assess, diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide range of health conditions and movement disorders. Physiotherapy helps repair damage, reduce stiffness and pain, increase mobility and improve quality of life. Physiotherapy extends from health promotion to injury prevention, acute care to rehabilitation. Physiotherapists, put simply, are the experts when it comes to assessing and teaching movement.

At Restore Physiotherapy, we believe in one-on-one treatment time with plenty of time dedicated to assessing the injury to get to the root cause. This is followed by a comprehensive treatment program utilizing exercise, manual therapy, and movement re-education to improve symptoms and prevent re-injury. As a running specialist, I take a detailed history of the problem as the runner presents it (location/type of pain, duration, aggravating factors, etc.) paying careful attention to details about changes in training, footwear, surface, and other variables. Since most (or arguably all) running injuries are a case of “too much, too soon” any sudden change in one of these variables can present an opportunity for injury to develop.

A gait analysis on a treadmill is also an important part of the assessment of the runner to determine if biomechanical factors are involved in the manifestation of the injury. These risk factors may not be evident on a simple physical examination so a gait analysis is not to be left out. Running injuries often develop when tissues break down due to poor form or maladaptation to the stresses placed on them. While careful progression of training volume and intensity can prevent most injuries from occurring, runners are known to push themselves and train through early signs of injury. Poor biomechanics exacerbated by a state of fatigue can result in typical overuse injuries such as Achilles tendinopathy, patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, and medial tibial stress syndrome (“shin splints”).

When assessing a runner on the treadmill, I look for biomechanical risk factors ranging from a slow cadence and increased vertical impact force to poor geometry in the lower extremities at foot strike. Treatment may consist of correcting faulty mechanics (only if they are determined to be involved in the injury), changing stride characteristics like cadence or stride length, and strengthening the appropriate tissues to withstand the repeated forces of running. Throughout the treatment process, the gradual overload principle must be followed, being sure to increase overall workload by approximately 10% per week. Too much and the runner may break down; too little and the body will fail to adapt to greater loads.

Here are some tips on how to prevent the most common running injuries:

  • Identify any recent changes in your training (volume, intensity, surface, footwear, etc.) as most injuries are a result of “too much, too soon”
  • In the initial stages of injury, stop running if the pain changes your running gait or increases as you run. If you are able to run with mild pain, and without changes to your mechanics, it may be ok to continue running through the injury—consult your physiotherapist
  • Running is a one-legged sport: focus on exercises that improve eccentric control of the body over the stance limb (single leg, weight-bearing, dynamic, plyometric)
  • Have a gait analysis performed and correct any significant gait abnormalities with gait retraining if considered to be clinically relevant
  • If you’re starting to feel burned out—mentally or physically—take a week or two of easy running before a forced break due to injury occurs

Chris Napier
Sport Physiotherapist, Restore Physiotherapy
PhD Candidate (Biomechanics), University of British Columbia
Athletics Canada Physiotherapist

My decision to accept the opportunity to serve as the Director of Chiropractic Services in early 2013 for Fortius Sport & Health was an easy one.  Working as part of a team in a state of the art facility, where collaboration, integration, and innovation are the fundamental pillars is any sports practitioners dream.

As chiropractors, we not only evaluate and treat sites of injury but look at the individual as a whole.  We observe overall posture and alignment, as well as the quality of movement through sports specific actions to identify areas of dysfunction and get athletes back into the activity they love.


All sports expose participants to repetitive stresses due to the repetition of similar movement patterns over and over.  Running is certainly no exception.  Every step, depending on how fast one is moving, will impart forces of 2 to 5 times body weight into your structure.

Every runner will attest to the common aches and pains or injuries such as plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis, hamstring strains, or the ever present tight glutes. Helping you manage the forces associated with running is where chiropractic comes in.

Using manual therapy, we provide detailed treatment to involve myofascial soft tissue structures and joints in combination with traditional chiropractic manipulation, when necessary, to improve mobility and musculoskeletal function. In this manner we not only assist in resolving current injury but also look to improve performance and reduce future injury occurrence.


When we work to optimize posture, ensure muscle tone is well maintained, and joints are moving well, the body can more efficiently manage the repeated stresses associated with running.  Adding daily self-care (which includes strengthening and mobilization of the major muscle groups and joints) to your chiropractic care will help to keep you injury free and enjoying your runs.

There are a number of areas to address in our daily routines, and below are a couple of my favourite stretches (downloadable PDFs).


Fortius SportFortius Sport & Health is an integrated athlete development centre strengthened through philanthropy and focused on optimizing athlete performance for life. Situated just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia, it is home to a state-of-the-art training facility as well an integrated team of sport medicine and science practitioners.

At Fortius, chiropractors work with sport medicine physicians, physiatrists, physiotherapists, kinesiologists (hydrotherapy), massage therapists, optometrists, biomechanists, physiologists, strength and conditioning coaches and dietitians to deliver precise, customized treatment and training plans for athletes of all ages and abilities.

Our chiropractors collectively have provided performance and injury care across multiple sports, including NCAA Swimming, Olympic/World Championship level Track and Field, CFL and NFL Football, Ironman Triathlon and International level soccer.

Whether you’re a professional training toward a World Championship, your first 10km, or simply wanting to walk for health, we would be honoured by the opportunity to be part of your care team, assisting you in accomplishing your athletic goals.

Visit to learn more or to book an appointment today.

Feature Friday – March 3, 2017

Although Massage Therapy is a well embraced form of rehabilitation, its progression over the years from spa and relaxation work, to specialized therapies such as pre-natal or athletics, to being included in preventative medicine such as injury prevention, is an important awareness to have.

Many seek out an RMT when a problem arises, and of course, this is an appropriate time to get soft tissue work. Massage Therapy, however, can be used as a means to help prepare an athlete for competition, as a tool to enhance athletic performance, as a treatment approach to help the athlete recover after exercise or competition, and as a manual intervention for sport related musculoskeletal injuries (such as promoting tissue and system health before breakdown begins).

Getting injured is every active persons worst nightmare – it impairs performance, delays training and conditioning schedules during recovery, and they also hurt!. Many injuries, however, can be prevented altogether with the right rehabilitative care (in combination with a proper training program, nutrition and water intake, sleep, and equipment) and Massage Therapy can play an invaluable role! Soft tissue work such as Massage monitors muscle tone, helps to eliminate scar tissue, increases mobility, increases range of motion, reduces muscle hypertonicity, and promotes relaxation (that one is cliché but surprisingly valuable!). RMTs involved with athletics are also often competent with sport related taping, or have specialties such as Graston Technique or ART, which have traditionally been done by Physiotherapy or Chiropractic.

If you use your body on any kind of regular basis for sport, Massage and soft tissue work should be an integral part of your life, whether it be to take care of the big and small issues that get in the way of efficient and pain free movement, or to help you prevent those issues from happening in the first place.

Impulse Sport Therapeutics is a multi-disciplinary clinic with locations in West Vancouver, North Vancouver and Port Moody.

The 5 Worst Habits of Runners

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Runners are guilty for developing poor habits that they believe will enhance their training, but can actually negatively affect training and increase their risk of injury.  Here are some of the ones we see most often, and what you can do to prevent them:

  • Running too much.  More isn’t always better.  Runners make the mistake of ramping up their mileage too quickly before they allow their bodies to adapt to the training.  Overuse injuries are caused primarily from running more than the body can withstand.  Abiding by the “10% Rule” is the safest way to increase mileage; if you’re running 30km per week and want to do more, do 33km the following week and so on.
  • Hip/core work isn’t a part of the training program.  Another way of preventing injury is by incorporating a simple core and hip strengthening routine.  When injuries occur it’s typically from muscle weaknesses and imbalances that cause runners to compensate.  By adding hip and core exercises into your weekly routine, it helps to stabilize the leg with every stride, and helps to maintain good posture while running.
  • Running on the same route/surfaces.  Changing the variability of your running routes and surfaces can help to keep injuries at bay.  If you always run the same flat course on the road, it might be time to hit the trails.  Mixing up the surface you run on can help to strengthen stabilizer muscles in your legs and feet, and avoid overloading any other muscles.  Using softer surfaces like trails and rubberized tracks will reduce the impact on running on your body which is best when you’re tired, or needing a recovery day.
  • Skipping rest days.  Overtraining can lead to a multitude of problems from injury, increased risk of sickness, and loss of motivation.  Rest days are a crucial part of any training program as it allows the body to absorb all the work it’s done throughout the week.  If that day is skipped your body doesn’t have the time to rest and will continually breakdown until the point of injury.  Listening to your body is key to realize.  If it’s feeling unusually fatigued or if there’s any nagging pain, it’s probably time to take a day off.
  • Not wearing the best shoes for your feet.  Shoes are the most important tool any runner has.  If they are worn out, or have an improper fit, that can increase the risk of injury.  Shoes are typically good for about 300-500 miles, but after that the cushioning and stability starts to wear out.  If you’re unsure of what shoes are the best for you, head to the nearest run specialty store and have the experts help you figure out what you should be wearing.  They’ll provide a wealth of knowledge.
Training Partners

The Benefits of Training Partners

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Running, long distance running in particular, is the epitome of individual pursuit.  It provides a mental break from the hustle and bustle of the work day, a chance to tune in to what’s going on with one’s body, and has the flexibility of being done whenever one decides to lace up and go.  However, on the days where it’s hard to get out of bed, or find the motivation to workout, a training partner or group may be exactly what you need!

Running partners/groups help create a tight-knit community in a very individual sport. While it may not be possible to train with others all the time, when the opportunity presents itself to meet up with others to run, take it!  There are so many benefits to running with others:

  1. Accountability: It can be hard to find the self-discipline get out of bed for a 6am run, especially on cold, dark mornings.  The temptation of hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep in the lovely warmth of a blanket cocoon can be too enticing. Setting plans to meet a running buddy or group will ensure you get out of bed in time.  The accountability will reduce the chances of skipping a run, slacking during a workout, or cutting the run short.
  2. Diversion: When you’re running with a friend, it allows for mindless conversation.  The act of running side by side without the intimidation of eye contact, creates an environment where it’s easier to talk freely and openly.  Some of our closest friendships arise from spending hours pounding the pavement alongside, talking about our life concerns, daily happenings and experiences.  Not only do these conversations clear our minds of clutter, they also help the miles fly by.
  3. Variation: Running with a buddy can provide a wealth of knowledge.  Everyone has their favourite running routes and more often than not, they’ll be different than yours.  Not only can you learn new running routes, but they may have different variations of workouts that could enhance your training.  Providing insight to new recovery modalities, articles, recipes, problem solving techniques, support in personal anecdotes, and cool upcoming events are a few of the benefits of a training partner.
  4. Performance: When running alongside someone, it’s an instant motivator.  Training with someone who is slightly faster pushes you to work harder to keep up, which can improve your performance.  Be careful to choose a comrade who isn’t too much faster so you aren’t pushing too hard and putting yourself at risk of injury.  An even-paced partner is ideal as it’s easier to work off of each other.  Not every day is going to be a good day for both of you, so on the days you’re feeling sluggish, they’ll be there to help pull you through and vice versa.  Plus, they won’t let you slack during a workout when they know you should be there stride for stride.  Everyone loves a wingman.
  5. Safety:  Like the old saying goes, there’s safety in numbers.  This is especially true for runners.  On dark morning and evening runs, it’s always better to have someone with you.  There are too many times where runners go out by themselves with their headphones in and are completely oblivious to those around them, and the potential safety risks.  Stick to familiar routes during the times where there aren’t many people around and plan to run with someone. Also, if you fall or get injured, someone will be there to help you get back home safely.

Looking for groups to run with? Check out of Q & A sessions with of some of the Vancouver Run Crews for an idea of which group might be a good fit. also has a great list.

The Benefits of “Pre-Hab”

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Physiotherapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors are often associated with injury and rehabilitation. However they also have an important role in prehabilitation: the process of enhancing the functional capacity of the individual to enable him or her to withstand the stresses of training and reducing the chance of injury.

Prehabilitation or “pre-hab” can be many different things. Preventative physio, massage or chiropractic treatments; strength training; cross training; and stretching all fall under the umbrella of pre-hab.

Physiotherapists can provide a screening of the body in order to see how it’s functioning. Assessing an individual’s flexibility, mobility, core strength, running mechanics, shoe wear and posture can give light into where potential injuries may occur, and why certain injuries have manifested in the past. After determining where any instabilities and weaknesses are located, the physio can offer suggestions on how to improve these areas and what exercises would be beneficial to implement into one’s training regime.

Massage therapists are often an integral part of the team behind many high level athletes and as such should be incorporated into any runner’s maintenance regime. While personal therapy like foam rolling is great for keeping injuries at bay, the expertise and knowledge of a registered massage therapist (RMT) is better for treating nagging niggles. While sport focused massage may not be as relaxing as a massage at the spa, it’s far more beneficial. RMTs work with a variety of techniques to reduce scar tissue, muscle knots/adhesions, and increase muscle function. They are an excellent way to ensure your muscles and tendons are working as efficiently as possible, as well as a multitude of other benefits.

Chiropractors offer a manual approach to conditions relating to the neurological, muscular, and skeletal systems of the body. Through different treatment modalities and spinal manipulations, chiros can help alleviate pain, muscle imbalance, or joint restriction. By aligning the spine and releasing any restrictions in the joints or muscles, it decreases the likelihood of developing compensation patterns or muscle imbalances.

Utilizing these resources, especially if you have extended medical coverage, is totally worth doing. Not only will it help to reduce your risk of injury, it will provide a better understanding for the way your body moves and functions.

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we add advice from local practitioners to help you develop your pre-hab plans!

Why Runners Participate in Event Fundraising

By | Scotiabank Charity Challenge, Scotiabank Vancouver Half | No Comments

The Scotiabank Charity Challenge supports over 80 different charities each year through the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k. Each charity has a unique story and background for how they were founded and came to be a part of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge. The Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation is just one of these stories and they have been a huge part of this event for many years as they fundraise for the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), largely in part to the Van Marrewyk family.

The Van Marrewyk family experienced incredible care for almost two months at the Royal Columbian Hospital (RCH) NICU after the birth of their triplet daughters. Their appreciation led to the establishment of an annual 5k Christmas-time walkathon for friends and family in support of the NICU at RCH that raised over $110,000. Wanting to further their fundraising efforts, the Van Marrewyk’s and the RCH Foundation saw the advantage of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge and decided to take part. The RCH Foundation has raised over $125,000 since 2013 with the focus being on supporting neonatal care.

Making every step count is more than just participating in the event. The Charity Challenge program allows participants to run for the sake of others. Runners and walkers are given a unique opportunity to band together and fundraise for local charities of personal significance, creating a more meaningful race experience. The social aspect of a race is greatly enhanced with the camaraderie between friends, family, coworkers, and like-minded people as they work towards supporting their chosen charity. Helping the greater good is incredibly motivating, especially when individuals set personal goals for both their own race and their fundraising targets through their support both physically and financially.

In the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, Scotiabank covers all of the fees associated with online fundraising, allowing 100% of the funds that have been raised to go directly to the charity of your choice. Over $50 million has been raised nationally through the Scotiabank Charity Challenge from thousands of people running or walking in honour of loved ones, or to simply raise awareness and give back to their community.

No matter what distance you take part in or what amount you raise, your contribution makes every step count for charities in our community.

To take part in the Charity Challenge, sign up as part of a charity team when you register for the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon & 5k today! A list of current charities is available here with more being added every week.

Intro to Foam Rolling

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Foam rolling is well-known in the running world, and for good reasons. Essentially it’s like having a personal massage therapist at home, that can benefit your running in so many ways. Training and hard workouts can cause little tears in your muscles that then rebuild to make muscles stronger. Sometimes these adhesions bunch together forming knots that can limit the movement of the muscle, thereby putting it at risk of injury. Foam rolling can help to break down these knots and return your muscle to full function. Rolling isn’t limited to the rehabilitation of injured muscles; it can be a beneficial tool in every aspect of training:

  • Boost your workout.  Maintaining fluid muscles contractions can enhance their mobility, range of motion, and improve posture while sitting, standing and moving around.  Improving general muscle function will translate into better workouts by having the muscles function at their full potential.  Foam rolling as part of warmup will helps to prime the muscles for the workout by increasing blood flow to the muscle and reducing muscle tightness that could negatively affect running form.
  • Reduce muscle soreness. We’ve all be victims of delayed onset muscles soreness (DOMS) which is the pain and stiffness in muscle that occurs from lactic acid buildup after hard workouts or an activity your body isn’t accustomed to.  Incorporating foam rolling into your cooldown can help to increase blood flow to the muscle, flushes out leftover lactic acid, primes the muscles for light stretching and helps your muscles repair.
  • Prevent injuries.  A lot of running injuries can come from having tight muscles that pull on joints and cause imbalances.  Rolling before a workout can help to remind the muscle to relax and reduce any compensation from excessively tight muscles.  Plus it’ll ensure that all the proper muscles are being used throughout the activity.

When using a foam roller, these are some general tips to keep in mind:

  • Roll back and forth over the targeted area for 30-60 secs.
  • If there is an exceptionally tight spot (aka a trigger point), work on the knot/adhesion then move onto a different area.  Return to the original tight spot to work on the muscle once it’s had a chance to relax.
  • Refrain from rolling over bony areas such as your knee caps.
  • If you have an injury, be cautious rolling over the affected area.  Too much direct pressure could worsen the issue.  Instead roll the areas around the injury to help loosen the surrounding muscles.
  • “Hurts so good” sensations are acceptable, but any pain that causes you to wince is best to avoid.

Here are the top 5 areas for runners to roll and how to do it:

  1. Quads:
    1. With both quads on top of the rollers, support your weight with your hands on the floor.
    2. Utilizing your arms for leverage, move the roller up and down the entire length of the quads being careful to avoid the kneecaps.
  2. Calves:
    1. Place both calves on top of the rollers and place your arms behind you to support you in a seated position.
    2. Move your hips back and forth to move the roller along the length of your calves.
  3. Hamstrings:
    1. Either place both hamstrings on the roller, or for a more intense roll cross one leg over the other with the roller under the lower hamstring.
    2. Using your arms as leverage, move your hips back and forth (similar movement to when you roll your calves) to move the roller along the entire hamstring.
    3. If doing one leg at a time, switch sides and repeat.
  4. IT Bands:
    1. Lying on one side, rest your hip on the roller.  Using your arms to support you, bring the opposite leg into a position that helps support your body weight.
    2. Slowly move your body along the roller around where the seam on the outer side of your pants would be.
    3. If it’s especially tender, don’t roll directly on the IT Band and focus on rolling the outer edges of your quads and hamstrings by slightly tilting your body forwards/backwards on the roller.
    4. Switch and repeat on the other side.
  5. Glutes:
    1. The glutes are a big contributor to injuries in runners.  Essentially using the same form as the IT Band, place one butt cheek on the roller and move it back and forth from the hip into the quad/hamstring region.
    2. Switch and repeat on other side.

Useful videos on technique can be found on YouTube for further guidance.

Habits for a Better Morning Workout

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Not all of us are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first thing in the morning, and even those who are need a little planning to jump into a workout as soon as they’ve stepped out of bed. Rolling out of bed to a hot cup of coffee and breakfast sounds much more appealing than lacing up your shoes and heading out into a cold, dark morning. However, research shows there are many physical and psychological benefits to working out first thing in the morning: increases metabolism which keeps calories burning throughout the day; promotes endorphin release in the brain which improves your mood, positively starting your day; provides a sense of accomplishment knowing you’ve finishing training before the workday begins; and it can increase mental capacity allowing you to be more productive throughout the day.

If you’re someone who struggles with morning workouts, here are a few tips that can make it easier:

  1. Prep and plan: if you know it’s going to be a battle getting out of bed, have your clothes laid out, your music uploaded and iPod charged, and any extras you may need (credit card, gym membership, equipment etc.). This will eliminate any frantic hunts for your favourite shorts or headphones and will get you out the door in a jiffy.
  2. Set an alarm, or maybe two: There are several ways to ensure you actually get up in the morning. If setting one alarm isn’t enough, set two. Light alarms that gradually brighten the room as the scheduled wake-up time approaches are far less annoying than a blaring alarm clock. However if those are too passive, go for setting an alarm that is placed far enough away so that you’d have to get out of bed to turn it off. It’s easier to stay out of bed once you’re already up!
  3. Drink up: The average person sleeps about 7 hours per night, which is a long time to go without drinking any water. Water loss occurs during sleep through every exhalation, so get into the habit of drinking a glass or two of water as soon as you get up. Even the slightest bit of dehydration can reduce exercise performance. Be sure to drink up before, during and after your workout. For vigorous workouts, add some electrolytes into your water to help retain water in your system when you need it most.
  4. Eat something: It’s important to eat some kind of food prior to a workout. Typically you haven’t eaten for 8+ hours, so consuming a carbohydrate- and protein-rich snack/meal is ideal. Opt for slow releasing carbs like oatmeal, whole-grain toast, or an apple and pair it with a protein source such as eggs, Greek yogurt, or nut butter. Try not to consume too much fat before a workout. Some nuts or avocado is great, but no greasy bacon breakfast sandwich otherwise your interval session will be runs between bathroom stops. A proper combination of macronutrients will stabilize your blood sugar levels and be a great fuel source before intense exercise.
  5. Warm Up for a little longer: No matter how much you move around while sleeping, it’s not enough to leap out of bed and start a workout immediately. A longer warmup is necessary for a few reasons: it primes your nervous system for higher levels of energy exertion; it increase mental acuity; it loosens and lubricates your muscles and tendons; it increases your heart rate, respiration rate and oxygen delivery to working muscles. Incorporate some lower back exercises as well for increased mobility and stability, especially if you’re prone to back stiffness.
  6. Consistency is key: Waking up early and getting your workout done early becomes easier the more often you do it. Turning this into a positive habit that can be maintained throughout busy work weeks and everyday life is beneficial when time is limited and you want to continue working towards your goals.

Cold Weather Training Tips

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Snow and temperatures well below freezing levels aren’t typically found in a Vancouver winter.  We west coast folks are blessed with rain and temperate conditions, so when Mother Nature decided to throw a real Canadian winter at us, it sent the running population into a frenzy.  Combine the frigid temperatures with minimal daylight hours and the urge to stay inside to keep warm and dry, it’s tough to motivate yourself to get out the door.  Here are a few ways to make cold winter running bearable:

Dress appropriately
Wearing the right apparel during your runs will help to keep you comfortable and safe.  The key here is layering.  Start off with a lightweight, breathable base layer; anything made with merino wool is a great option.  Any technical material will wick away moisture from the skin, keeping you dry and warm.  Next, depending on the weather, add a windproof or water-resistant shell/jacket.  The most important thing is to stay as dry as possible; water-proof jackets aren’t as breathable and can cause you to sweat more leaving your clothes damp and cold underneath.  Complete your winter outfit with good socks, again merino wool is excellent, and gloves/mittens.  The benefit of layering is that if you begin to get too hot, it’s easy to de-layer and re-layer at any given point.

Stay safe
The days of winter are short and make most runs occur in the dark.  Thankfully there are plenty of streetlights around the city, but combined with even the brightest of jackets, runners are not often seen.  Wearing extra safety gear such as headlamps, reflective gear, and mini lights are a great start. They help you to see where you’re going and help others to see you.

Learn to adapt
Working out in the cold isn’t always the most comfortable; your nose runs, it’s harder to breathe, your hands and feet get cold, your eyes water and your cheeks sting. These are all part of the experience. Once you get used to running in sub-zero temperatures, the shortness of breath goes away, and wearing proper mitts and wool socks can help reduce any risks of frostbite. In really cold conditions it can be hard to determine your exertion levels especially when you aren’t sweating as profusely during hard workouts. It’s important to remember that even if you aren’t hitting your target pace, the effort exerted is still considered valuable training. Effort-based sessions are great and you’ll know when the weather is too extreme to safely train in. At that point adapt to doing an easier effort run and save the workout for another day, or hit up the treadmill.

Protect your eyes
Cold, clear days usually means beautiful sunshine and blue skies. However, if there’s ice and snow on the ground, the sun’s rays can reflect and be extremely harsh. Wearing sunglasses is an easy way to protect the delicate tissues of your eyes and can help prevent them from watering because of the cold or windy conditions.

Always have a change of clothes
Bundling up for a winter run is important, but remember that as soon as you stop, any sweat that has accumulated in your base layers will start to get cold very quickly. If you’re ending your run at home, jump in the shower and get warm clothes on as soon as you walk in the door. Heading for coffee with friends after? Be sure to pack lots of warm layers: tights, shirts, jackets, socks and for the ladies, a dry sportsbra. Keeping any wet fabric against your skin can cause a chill that’s incredibly hard to warm up from no matter how many coffees you have!

Don’t forget the H2O
Just because you aren’t sweating as much in cold weather doesn’t mean you don’t need to drink water during and after your runs. It’s just as important to remain hydrated during the winter as the harsh conditions can dry you out incredibly fast. If you’re taking fluids on your run, fill the bottle up with lukewarm fluids to prevent them from freezing or being too cold to drink comfortably.

Plan your route
Heaven forbid something goes wrong during a workout, but you want to be prepared for it if it does. Plan your running route ahead of time and let people know where you’re going. Ideally use a loop course that doesn’t take you too far from stores or residential areas so that in case of an emergency you’re able to get help or call for a ride home.