Quick and Energizing Pre-run Breakfasts
Not everyone is a morning person, let alone a morning runner. Our body is creaking from a night’s rest and some can find it difficult to get out the door, whether it’s for an easy run or a workout. For those that are morning larks, there’s always the question of what to eat. Too much and it’ll bounce around in one’s gut; too little and the lightheadedness from low blood sugar post-sleep fasting sets in.
So what are the best morning pre-run snacks? It really depends on how much time there is between eating and running, but here are some foolproof staples:
30 mins or less before running
Something light and easily digestible is key, such as:
– a piece of fruit (banana; orange; handful of grapes etc.)
– trail mix (sugars from dried fruit, and healthy fats from nuts are a simple fix)
– rice cake with nut butter and honey (or jam)
– homemade energy balls
1 hour before running
With a little extra time to digest, it’s good to get a little more in your body before a workout. Here are some easily digestible but sustainable choices:
– wholegrain toast with a boiled egg
– oatmeal with nut butter and fresh fruit
– homemade muffins (Shalane Flanagan’s Superhero Muffins are a staple)
– cereal and milk
2 hours before running
This is a sweet spot before most long runs and big workouts. Most people can have a solid breakfast that won’t cause any GI distress during longer runs or workouts. Just be sure to portion control and don’t get too over-zealous! There will be time to indulge in a bigger serving size post-run.
– teff flour or chickpea pancakes (these flours give a little extra protein that goes a long way!); top with maple syrup or fresh fruit and jam
– burrito (keep it small!). Using smaller wraps like corn tortillas or small flour tortillas are great. Fill with eggs, rice, beans, or even nut butter, fresh fruit and yogurt. Mix it up depending on what sits well in your stomach.
– Breakfast hash: simple ingredients like baby potatoes, a boiled egg, and some greens make for a filling pre-run meal.