Trying to get under the two-hour mark? Looking for a running buddy to keep you motivated through your race? Pacers are a great resource for runners to help maintain pace, keep you motivated, and maybe push you towards that elusive new PB!
New this year, we will be offering a wider range of pace times to help keep you on track. So here they are, our 2019 Saucony Pacer Team at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon:
Pace Time: 1:30
Name: Lucas (@lusocio)
A little about Lucas:
I’m excited to be pacing the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon for the first time. After a brief break from running to enjoy my first year of fatherhood, I’m back and looking forward to the New York marathon this November. Good luck to all runners.
Pace Time: 1:35
Name: Philip (@philfinlayson)
A little about Philip:
I’m a born-again runner who loves going fast and also loves helping others race well, through good preparation and steady pacing. I look forward to meeting you on race day!
Pace Time: 1:40
Name: Raymond (@raysmond)
A little about Raymond:
Long time runner, first time pacer. I’ve always respected the dedication of the race pacers, and now it’s time to help other reach their PB. Follow me to the finish line at this year’s half marathon.
Pace Time: 1:45
Name: Dan (@mrdanoleary)
A Little about Dan:
In a sport where I always run for myself, I want to give something back and support the goals of others. This race has people of all paces and levels, and it always makes me so happy to see them achieve their goals and set PBs.
Pace Time: 1:45
Name: Patrick (@pswaddleme)
A little about Patrick:
I am an enthusiastic runner always looking to embrace Vancouver’s running community in order to reach my goals, including that elusive Boston Qualification. I train with Mile2Marathon, drop by EVRC some Mondays, and have helped lead some of the smaller clinics at Running Room. I am so excited to pace my first race and hopefully help you cruise to a shiny new PB!
Pace Time: 1:50
Name: Jonathan (@flyingdutchman125)
A little about Jonathan:
I did track, road and cross country throughout my school career, with some great achievements. In adulthood, I’ve completed 3 marathons, 2 ultras and more halfs than I can count. I’m excited to help others achieve their goals on race day!
Pace Time: 1:55
Name: Lydia (@l.tay)
A Little about Lydia:
I rediscovered running three years ago and haven’t looked back. You’ll find me on the seawall logging KMs for my next race or dropping in at my local run club to give some high fives (VRC Flight Crew and East Van Run Club). In 2019, I’m aiming to complete my 7th half marathon and 3rd marathon – pacing some friends along the way.
Pace Time: 2:00
Name: Kathryn
A little about Kathryn:
I am super pumped to be pacing the 2:00 group for 2019! I’ve always been a runner but started taking it more seriously when I moved to Vancouver over 10 years ago. My favourite places to run are Stanley Park and the seawall, hands down! I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone I will be running with. Let’s do this!
Pace Time: 2:00
Name: Mel (@melsays)
A little about Mel:
Super stoked to be pacing this year’s Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon. Last year, I had the pleasure of running the course for the first time and was able to make my goal time thanks to the race’s pacers. I’m thrilled to be able to do the same for this year’s participants!
Pace Time: 2:05
Name: Navaz (@navaz.be.fit)
A little about Navaz:
I (only) started running in January of 2018. My goal was to complete my first half marathon before turning 30. Since then I have completed two half marathons, two 47km challenges and a handful of other races. The running community in the lower mainland is outstanding and I’ve had the pleasure to meet and become friends with such positive and inspiring people.
Pace Time: 2:10
Name: Chantelle (@chantelle_swimbikerun)
A little about Chantelle:
My name is Chantelle and although I compete primarily in triathlons now, I still dabble from time to time in running races (SVHM will be my 20th half marathon and third time pacing this wonderful race).
Pace Time: 2:15
Name: Sean (@runningbeernerd)
A little about Sean:
I got into running later at around 40 years old – perhaps a midlife crisis? I have been having lots of fun learning, getting better, and helping others do the same! I lead a local running store half marathon run group and love watching the improvements of those both new to the distance as well as the more experienced runners.
Pace Time: 2:20
Name: Brenda (@jus_tri_it)
A little about Brenda:
I did my first half marathon at 47 years of age & fell in love with this event. I’ve been part of running groups for the last two years and know how motivating and fun they can be. I’d like to give back to this sport I’ve fallen in love with & would hope I can help those running around me to feel proud during the race!
Pace Time: 2:25
Name: Eric (@heyrickie)
A little about Eric:
I’ve run 20+ half marathons over the last 12 years. I’ve heard of others signing up as pacers and thought I should give that a try.
Pace Time: 2:30
Name: Amy (@amybeeman)
A little about Amy:
This will be my 25th half marathon, and my first time pacing! Most my training runs come in the form of chasing my 8 year old twins around. It will be a pretty amazing feeling to get some runners (especially those doing their first half) across the finish line.
All Pacers will be outfitted in shoes & athletic apparel from: