When and Where is Race Kit Pickup?

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Race Kit Pick Location
The Under Armour Brand House in the Toronto Eaton Centre
All participants in the In-Person event must pick up their Race Kit at Race Kit Pickup.
Race Kit Pick Schedule
Tuesday, June 10th – Friday, June 13th 2025
Hours: 10:00am – 8:00pm
There is no race day pickup.
Picking up for a Friend?
Please bring either their original Race Roster Registration Confirmation Email OR a text, e-mail, or hand-written note that states they allow you to pick up their race kit on their behalf.

Can someone else pick up my race kit on my behalf?

By | Race Kit Pickup, Results & Swag | No Comments
Participants registered in the Virtual 10K event will have their race kits shipped to them.
If you are registered for an in-person event, someone else can pickup a race kit on a participants behalf. The person picking up the kit must have a copy of the participants confirmation email or written authorization from the participant via email, text or direct message stating that they have permission to pick up the kit.