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Brenden Williams

Vancouver Run Crews

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We’ve been catching up with local Vancouver Run Crews and every Friday we’re posting a quick Q & A with a new crew.  Stay tuned over the coming weeks to find out about their favourite workouts and their go-to places for post-run food and drinks!


Favourite Workout – Our Tuesday night tempo runs are a fav. It’s usually 20-40 minutes of hard work. Most people don’t really know how to do a proper tempo run. So we try to help them figure that out. And when they start to find that groove it’s great. You finish exhausted but exhilarated.

Favourite Post-Run Spot – Musette Caffe. Owner Thomas Eleizegui has been kind enough to let us start/finish our runs from the cafe. They’ve got it all from coffee to beer. It’s an amazing space to hang out in before or after a nice run.

Website | Facebook | Profile | Tuesday Nights & Saturdays

West Van Run Crew

Favourite Workout – Thursday intervals, anything from 100m to 1k repeats. We like to stick together and internal workouts allow us to do just that. Working on speed & form is also something that runners of all levels need to do in order to improve.

Favourite Post-Run Spot – For our Saturday #runtimes we run from Cafe Crema and stay for coffee & treats after. On Thursdays, we run from Village Taphouse at Park Royal and always have dinner/beers together after. They take great care of us and most of the time have a table with pitchers of water ready for us when we return from our workout. The social aspect is a huge part of our crew and even when people can’t run, you’ll find them coming by after the runs to say hi and catch up.

Facebook Group | Profile | Thursday Nights & Saturday Mornings

East Van Run Crew

Favourite Workout – Uhhh, we don’t really do structured work-outs at EVRC. We like to keep it pretty social on Monday nights and create a welcoming environment for runners of all abilities. On occasion you might see us sprinting up East 1st Ave towards Red Truck, at Empire Fields doing the odd lap of their odd lap or on a treadmill if there is a charitable running event happening in any dodgy warehouses around town.

Favourite Post-Run Spot – We usually meet at breweries in and around East Vancouver. Our mainstay has been Red Truck over the past year but other favourites include R&B, Big Rock, Strange Fellows, Parallel 49, Callister, Postmark & anywhere else where the beer flows like wine and beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

Facebook Page | Profile | Monday Night Group Runs

North Burnaby Runners

Favourite Workout – Our favorite run is our Wednesday night social run. We are an inclusive group and provide varied pace groups so there is something for everyone. The social run allows runners to go at their own pace and log some extra miles. For some this is the only run of the week and for others it an easy social pace run to break up some of the more challenging runs in their training plan.

Favourite Post-Run Spot – We always start and finish together and we take breaks along the way to re group. Our favorite meeting spot is Dageraad Brewing. Just a short walk from the Production skytrain station, this small brewery has a lot of character and treats us like family. They always have water waiting for us on the table when we are done running and most of the time they stay open later just for us. We love other destination runs but Dageraad is definitely our home base.

Facebook Page | Wednesday Group Runs

Fraser Street Run Club

Favourite Workout – Intervals on the Grouse Grind. I find doing a full, non-stop, hard Grouse Grind effort is often too long of a workout, so I like to break it up into 1/4. I’ll use the actual 1/4 trail markings and will take 1 minute rest for every 5 minutes it took be to do that quarter. For example: if it took me 15 minutes to do the first 1/4 I’d rest 3 minutes, but if it only took my 10 minutes for the second 1/4 I’d rest 2 minutes.

Favourite Post-Run Spot – One of our favourite places to go after a FsRC Feel Good Friday run is Sal y Limon on Kingsway & Fraser. It’s got great authentic Mexican food and easy to fit a large group of people.

Website | Track Tuesdays & Feel Good Fridays

Getting back on track after the holidays

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The holidays have a knack for veering even the most dedicated runners off-track. The desire to stay warm inside, eat and drink with friends, and let loose easily overrides the will to go into the winter weather and exert oneself out in the elements. However, when the socializing lessens, reality sets in and leaves people fretting over the time “lost” from training. Remember that taking a break from training isn’t a bad thing. It allows people to decompress and be ready to hit the ground running for their spring goals. Returning to training can either be exciting or daunting. Use these tips to help ease yourself back into the daily grind:

  1. Sign up for a race/event
    It’s a lot easier to find the motivation to kick-start training again if there’s a goal/endpoint. Training for the sake of training is hard to get motivated for, but by signing up for a race it will keep you on track and accountable to put the time and energy into getting adequately prepared.
  2. Treat yourself
    There’s nothing quite like a new pair of shoes or piece of clothing to get you fired up to train again. If something as simple as having a new shirt to workout in is enough to get you out the door, it’ll be money well spent. Not a clothes person? Even buying a few new songs to add to your workout playlist can do the trick!
  3. Just put your shoes on
    One of the hardest things to do is the first run back after a break. There are so many negative emotions that go through peoples’ heads – of not being fast anymore, that it’s going to hurt, that they’re out of shape etc. A few weeks off isn’t going to deteriorate your fitness, just your mental strength. So head out on your favourite route and you’ll find once that first run is done, the endorphins will start flowing and you’ll breathe in some fresh air then remember exactly why you keep running. After that, you’ll be more willing to get out again and ramp it up.
  4. Start slow
    There’s no need to go and bust out an intense workout on the first day back thinking you’ll be right back where you were before the break. It’s smarter to ease into it by doing a couple easier runs and then gradually begin to add in some intensity as you get back into the groove. If you’re dying to get back into workouts, begin with some unstructured fartlek style workouts to get some turnover, or incorporate some hill repeats. These workouts are great strength builders but are effort based leaving you satisfied at the end of the session.
  5. Stay consistent
    Create a realistic schedule and adjust your day to facilitate your training. By staying accountable to a program it’ll recreate positive training habits. Simple things like: training with a run group/training buddy a couple times a week; meeting or coffee post-run so you have to get out the door on time; or signing up for a class to use as cross-training are all great ways to keep you accountable and consistent.

Planning an Effective Racing Season

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The start of a new year is associated with a feeling of possibility, motivation and determination that most hope to maintain through the year. However without an effective plan, goals and races fall by the wayside and can leave us feeling unfulfilled. With a strategic plan for a racing season, it’s easier to adhere to your goals and ultimately set ourselves up for success. While planning may take a little bit of time, patience and some restraint, being selective about the races you enter can be hugely beneficial for reducing risks of injury, burn-out and enabling opportunities to set new personal bests.

  1. Prioritize:
    Not all races are of equal importance during a racing season. Initially determine the goals you want to set for the season and create a plan based on that. What is the focus? Once that is determined (ie. setting a personal best; tackling a new distance; dabbling in trail races or road races), it’s easier to remain focused and on track.
  2. Pick a goal race
    Now that the main objective of the season has been set, you can choose what race is going to be the best choice for accomplishing that goal. During a season there are races that are sought after by many runners and can sell out quickly. If your goal race falls into that category it’s important to ensure you enter as soon as registration opens, and have a back-up plan if you’re unable to get into your top choice. There are many factors that go into choosing the focal race of the season: location, crowds, course, climate etc. as all of these things can play a role in the success of a race. Not good in hot weather? Don’t choose an event in the California summer. Aiming to attain the elusive Boston Qualifying time? Make sure the event is conducive to running fast times and is a Boston qualifying course!
  3. Set a performance target
    While it’s great to have a goal race, it’s important to have numerical goals as well. If it’s a distance you’ve never run before, then a personal best is inevitable. If it’s an event that you have done before, try and determine something you want to accomplish based on your past experiences. It’s important to have A, B, and C goals. ‘A’ goals can be seen as ‘inside voice’ goals, or ‘perfect day’ goals. They are the marks that you strive to hit on an ideal day if everything were to fall into place. Next is the ‘B’ goal; this is the goal that you can accomplish with proper training and preparation and doesn’t feel too lofty a goal. Finally, a ‘C’ goal is one where if it’s a terrible race day, you’ll still be happy with whatever happens. For more experienced runners ‘C’ goals tend to be merely completing the race. Having a spectrum of goals helps to avoid disappointment, and ensures a positive finish whatever the result may be.
  4. Establish a proper training cycle
    Depending on the goal race and your current fitness level, the length of a training cycle can vary. It’s not surprising that training for a marathon will require a longer build than the likes of a 5k. For experienced runners, 5-10k requires a 10-16 week plan, while half- to full-marathons are about 12-20 weeks. New runners, or people coming back from an injury may require a more gradual buildup.
    Many local run groups/crews or running stores will have clinics and workouts for people of all running levels. Joining a group can help to alleviate any stress over what kind of workouts to do, and can provide camaraderie throughout a training cycle. Hiring a personal running coach is another option for those who want a more tailored approach.
  5. Tune-up races
    During a buildup to a goal race, it can be beneficial to race in some shorter distances in order to establish a solid pre-race routine. So many race day stressors can typically be alleviated if the situation has been experienced before: pre-race meals; race etiquette; and other race day situations. The more often one races, the more natural the process becomes. Racing during a training cycle can also be used as a workout tool as they provide a more challenging workout than any solo run, and make for excellent benchmarks. They help to prepare for the mental and physical demands that come with racing so that by the time your target race happens, any race anxiety will be reduced.   However, try to avoid the temptation to over-race. With so many great races, it’s hard to pick and choose. Each race needs a role in the training and will ultimately help reach the goal that was set as a priority. Race a maximum of every 2-3 weeks. This will build race confidence and experience, but won’t cause you to be sick and tired of racing by the time the main race happens.
  6. Tapering is important
    No matter how long or short the goal race distance is, it’s crucial to properly taper. The distance of race will determine the length of the taper: short race distance = short taper period; and longer race distances = longer taper period. Be sure to trust in your training, coach, and teammates that everything that could be done for this event, has been.
  7. Plan for the after-math
    A race season isn’t finished when you cross the finish line. It’s good practice to debrief and evaluate how effective the race was. Was there anything that could’ve been done differently that would have bettered your performance? How can you use what you learned from this race to be better in the future?
  8. Allow time for a break
    Once the mental and physical stress of a training cycle is over, take a break. It may be hard sometimes when you’re feeling good and want to keep going, but know that your body needs to recuperate after a big effort. Regardless of if your targets have been hit or not, take a break from running in order to ensure you come back rested, strong and motivated for the next cycle.

New Years Resolutions from Elite Runners

By | Community Leaders, Elite Athletes | No Comments

We’ve rung in 2017 and, like every runner out there, our Canadian elites are writing their own running- and personal-related resolutions.  Here’s what they had to say:

Rachel Hannah:

1 – Doing my Physio ‘homework’ (hip drills) to prepare for the biggest Running ‘exams’ (goal races)!  I will take 20min a day to work on new hip drills to strengthen core muscles to help align and take load off repetitive-use soft tissues as my mileage increases in the new season.

2 – Taking more opportunities to connect with my new nephews (Cohen 2.5 years and Oliver 2 months old).  While they live in BC, we can connect through digital and also when races take me that way.  Family is important to me and I cherish the chances to get to see the new things they come up with each new day as they grow up so fast.

Erin Burrett:

1 – After a few injuries, I need to focus more on the little aspects of running (recovery, nutrition, hydration etc). I seem to
set this resolution every year, so hopefully this is the year I make it a habit and stick with it.

2 – Big life changes with regards to employment and my personal life in 2016, means I will spend 2017 focusing more so on myself. This means being happy, healthy and spending less time worrying about what others think.

Natasha LaBeaud Anzures:

1 – My running-resolution is to keep up with the little things that make a big difference including: staying positive, regular visits for physio, and focus during drills.

2 – My husband, Marco Anzures, and I cofounded the youth running non-profit organization 2nd Recess that teaches kids 4-13 about healthy habits through running.  We have multiple locations in San Diego and have a 2017 goal of reaching more locations in the area so that more kids can access the program, while also having more adult running workouts at the same time as kids’ practices so that parents can stay fit too!

Catherine Watkins:

1 – To ensure I continue doing my activation and strength training exercises to stay healthy for 2017 and so I can get back out to what I love… racing !

2 – To keep my girls healthy and active with fun activities together.

Dayna Pidhoresky:

1 – One of my running goals this year is to remain uninjured and run consistently throughout 2017.  To accomplish this we are trying something new — taking 1 day off running each week (cross-training only).  We’ll see how this goes.  On a similar note, I will try to not stress about the mileage number at the end of each week. . .

2 – In real life, I’d like to read more.  I got through a good amount of books this past year but I know I can do better!

Kevin Coffey:

1- I am not going to stress the small stuff on race day.  It’s important to just to play the hand that is dealt that day.  If the weather is off, so be it.  If I miss  a bottle, so be it.  And so on and so forth!

2 – Take time to make more calls back home to friends and family. Texts are great but calls are better!

Krista Duchene:

1 – Embrace change and keep learning. Make easy runs easier and hard runs harder to achieve personal best at 40!

2 – Give more into cooking for my family. Try new recipes while continuing to keep nutrition, cost, and packaging in mind.

Dylan Wykes:

1 – Focus on sleep and good nutrition. Two things that easily get lost in the shuffle these days 😉

2 – Find some balance. Kids, wife, running, coaching, drinking beer… sometimes it’s hard to know where to focus my time and energy!

Trevor Hofbauer

1 – Stretch more.  This is often an area I tend to overlook/ignore and the body is showing signs of neglect in the stretch department. If I can stretch one minute for every minute of running, I’ll be a happy camper.

2 – None as of right now. The move to Guelph just took place, so I need time to get comfortable and will evaluate myself as time passes.

Sabrina Wilkie

I don’t make new year resolutions but I do set goals throughout the year. Here’s the latest goal…
Since my husband Mark works full-time, I’m in school full-time and we have a toddler to look after, finding time to run/train is challenging. Our goal for the winter is to “run commute” to work/school to get in our off-day runs/mileage and once a week take a couple of hours to ourselves to do a workout.

Life is pretty hectic these days so I find running helps me clear my head and recharge.

Rachel Cliff

1 – to make it a priority to do strength/core work and rolling out/stretching every day. I’m hoping to run more half marathons and 10k’s in 2017 which means I’ll need to be much more proactive about these things to avoid injury.

2 – to be more organized with my leftovers and grocery shopping so I stop throwing out so much food!

Holiday Travel Tips

Five Healthy Holiday Travel Tips

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December 20, 2016 – by Kim Doerksen

The holidays can make it difficult to maintain a healthy eating and training regime due to the ever-changing schedule of family visits, parties and indulgent dinners. Throw in the additional stress of travelling during one of the busiest times of the year and it’s easy for bad habits to set in. We have a few tips to help ease the strain of travelling during the holidays which can be used when travelling to far away races too!

1 – Get some sleep.

Sleep is crucial to maintain a sense of normality. Losing even a few hours of sleep can substantially decrease daytime alertness, and subsequently performance levels at races or tolerance of long family visits. Lack of sleep can cause you to overeat to compensate for low energy levels, cause dizziness and lethargy, and ultimately affect your mood. No one needs to come into a big holiday event with an attitude like the Grinch.

2 – Pack healthy snacks.

Airplane food, well most packaged food, is high in sodium and preservatives, which are neither satiating or hydrating. Instead, bring your own supply of raw trail mix, crackers, veggies, or even a full sandwich/wrap if you know it’s going to be a long time between homemade meals. Most airlines allow fruit on board, and as they’re the perfectly natural packed food, throw an apple and banana in your bag for a quick fix. Be sure to check any flight guidelines ahead of time in case there are certain foods that aren’t allowed.

3 – Bring an empty reusable water bottle.

Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to keep everything functioning normally. Opt for water instead of high-calorie juices or diuretics like caffeinated drinks and alcohol. The dry air in planes can dehydrate you, causing your nasal cavities/sinuses to dry out which can be an entry point for viruses. By drinking lots of water during any travel, it’ll not only ensure you stay hydrated, it will reduce the risk of illness from airborne viruses.

4 – Keep moving.

Aside from bringing your running shoes to use during your holidays, it’s important to keep moving during your travelling time. While waiting for flights, take a walk around the terminal and take the stairs instead of escalators or elevators. While on the flight, walk up and down the aisles and stand up to stretch as often as possible. It’s not good for our bodies, or our digestive systems, to remain seated for hours on end. Reserving an aisle seat is a great way of making it accessible to get up and walk around at will. Moving helps to keep proper circulation, restrains you from eating out of boredom, and keeps your muscles and joints as mobile as possible.

5 – Wash your hands frequently.

It’s easy to get sick while travelling. During the holidays, transportation hubs are far more crowded than usual. It’s flu season and people are more stressed which leaves their immune system in a slump. Wash your hands as frequently as possible and carry a travel sized hand sanitizer in case you can’t get to a sink. It’ll help to reduce your chances of getting and spreading germs on your travels.

Wherever you’re going over the holidays, we hope you have a safe trip and look forward to running with you in the New Year!

Staying Fit Through The Holidays

By | General, Newsletter | No Comments
December 2016

As soon as the calendar turns to December 1st and the holiday season hits, even the most dedicated of runners tend to fall off their training regimen.  Instead of training, people’s agendas fill up with festive dinners, parties, and other social gatherings.  As it’s nearly impossible to resist all temptations, here are five ways to keep oneself in check during the holidays and avoid having months of training go to waste over four weeks of indulgence.

1 – Make a schedule

By planning runs around work parties and other obligatory social gatherings, it’ll be less likely workouts get missed.  Most get-togethers are planned ahead of time, so plan runs around them.  Know there’s going to some rockin’ around the Christmas tree in the evening?  Run in the morning.  If a schedule is set, it’s easier to adhere to.

2 – Find a buddy

Having someone to be accountable to makes a big difference when staying on track with training at any time of the year.  Whether it’s a colleague, a friend, or a training group, make sure you don’t leave them hanging!  Use it as an opportunity to catch-up with out-of-town friends, or get an extra push in a workout.  The camaraderie through the cold and dark days is invaluable.

3 – Up the intensity

Trying to get in long runs or high mileage during the winter isn’t always feasible.  When commitments arise and only leave a short window of time to get a run in, up the intensity and get more bang for your buck.  Doing a 30-45 minute fartlek or hill session will provide a fitness boost and be far more efficient than taking it easy for the same duration.

4 – Avoid temptation

When buffet tables become more common than sit-at-home meals, it’s easy to get eyes bigger than your stomach.  Add in happy hours, and desserts galore, the calories can sneak in without you even noticing.  There will always be a time to indulge, just try not to make it a habit.  When options are aplenty, pick and choose, or find a dinner buddy to split treats with.  That way you can indulge in twice the amount of treats, with half the guilt.

It’s not what you eat between Christmas and New Year’s, it’s what you eat between New Year’s and Christmas – Vinnie Tortorich

5 – Cross-train

As the weather takes a turn for the worse, sometimes the conditions aren’t ideal for running.  Use this as a way to fall back in love with spin classes, the pool, or the gym.  These activities are great alternatives to the monotonous pavement pounding runners adore, but will help keep you in shape and avoid injury when the running mileage ramps up again.