A traumatic event nearly caused Toronto’s Suzy Prosser to quit running altogether. A recreational runner who took up the sport as a challenge and then joined run crews as a fun way to meet people when she moved to the city five years ago, Prosser had been in the midst of training for a half-marathon with a sub-two hour time goal in mind. Out on a run one day, she was attacked.
“It robbed me of the motivation and freedom to get out and run,” Prosser says of the event. “It took a month, and a friend’s support, to get running again.”
Strong-willed and brave, Prosser decided that this was not the end of her running story. When she had taken up the sport, she found the “freedom and joy” that so many runners eventually find, when she completed her first marathon last year.
“To find the drive to overcome the barriers that were now in front of me, I signed up for Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon and applied to attempt a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title.
“In the aftermath of what happened to me, I ended up at Women’s College Hospital,” she says. “I’ve chosen to raise money to support Women’s College Hospital as a way to express my thanks and gratitude for the safe, compassionate, empathetic, and caring environment that they provide for women. Their mission is to advance and advocate for the health of women, and improve healthcare options for all by developing, researching, teaching, and delivering new treatments and models of care.”
“In preparation, I’ve been running carrying a hockey stick, which is very similar in weight and length to a broom!
As for the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title, Prosser has decided to attempt the Fastest half marathon dressed as a witch (female). “There is currently no record holder for completing a half-marathon dressed as a witch,” she explains. “GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS have set the minimum at two hours. I need to run wearing a knee-length black dress, black wide-rimmed pointed hat, and carrying a broom.” She adds, “In preparation, I’ve been running carrying a hockey stick, which is very similar in weight and length to a broom!”
As Prosser continues to ease back into running and enjoy the amazing running community she has found in Toronto, she’s continuing to employ safe running habits such as always heading out with friends, not running in isolated places and avoiding runs at night.